
SIM Lab Tips (LPN)

by Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

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    00:01 Simulation.

    00:02 This is a great experience for you as a student.

    00:06 Simulation is a safe place where the faculty will run you through a patient scenario, just like the one you might see in the hospital.

    00:14 Your faculty is going to assign roles for you, such as the nurse, charge, nurse, etc.

    00:20 And you as a student will work as a team to address the patient problem.

    00:25 Yes, you may not believe me, but yes.

    00:29 You get to practice in a safe environment and learn how to deal with real patient problems.

    00:36 I'd like to provide you with a few tips on how to be successful in simulation as a student.

    00:43 Now, all of your knowledge of theory content and technical skills up to wherever you are in your program could be relevant to your simulation experience.

    00:53 And you should be able to apply this knowledge and skill in the patient scenario that your faculty provides for you.

    01:01 Also, good news is you usually don't fail sim, unless you don't complete your assignment, You don't show up, you're really late, Don't participate or engage then could be a possibility.

    01:15 But don't quote me on this simulation can be used in lots of different ways.

    01:21 As a student, if you show up engaged, prepared, ready to work with a good attitude, you're usually good to go.

    01:29 And be on time.

    01:32 If you're late, your faculty may not allow you to complete the simulation because there's usually a strict time schedule.

    01:42 Your faculty usually provides you with preparatory materials like reading materials, maybe helpful videos, - anything to help prepare you for the sim.

    01:52 Make sure that you complete these.

    01:54 This is meant to help refresh you or expose you to the content that you're going to see in the simulation.

    02:01 And follow all faculty directions for yourself.

    02:07 One other tip: Read the objectives of the simulation for you as a student.

    02:13 These are going to help guide you and highlight what your faculty goals are for you as a student.

    02:20 And of course, it's okay to be nervous.

    02:23 Just be willing to participate, speak up, and work with a team.

    02:29 If we do expect you to communicate in a constructive and positive way with your team members in simulation.

    02:37 Sometimes these experiences can bring along a stressful situation.

    02:43 And yes, that's a part of simulation.

    02:46 But maintain your cool and work together to help the patient.

    02:51 Now as a student during simulation and your scenario, don't be afraid to say what you're doing out loud.

    02:59 It's actually a great idea because then as faculty, we know what you're thinking when you perform in the scenario itself.

    03:08 This is really helpful to your faculty, because we can use this as a point during debriefing and we can discuss this after your simulation.

    03:19 Now communicate clearly.

    03:20 Come prepared. Work as a team, and try as much as possible to maintain your cool Guys know, it's okay to be wrong.

    03:31 Make the wrong choice or be flustered.

    03:34 This is completely normal in simulation.

    03:38 Know that after you're done, you're gonna be able to decompress and discuss the experience as a group.

    03:45 Get great constructive feedback from your faculty.

    03:48 And relax and express feelings in a professional way.

    03:54 Simulation is meant to be a constructive learning tool for you as a student to prepare you for your clinical practice.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture SIM Lab Tips (LPN) by Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN is from the course Build Confidence for Skills Lab (LPN) (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Ability to practice in a safe environment.
    2. Able to apply knowledge from theory and technical skills.
    3. It is difficult to fail SIM.
    4. It is easy to fail SIM.
    5. SIM is not stressful.
    1. Read the objectives before the SIM.
    2. Be on time.
    3. Be an active participant.
    4. Work independently.
    5. Stay quiet during the SIM.

    Author of lecture SIM Lab Tips (LPN)

     Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

    Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

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