
Review of Urinary Tract Infection (Nursing)

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:00 Hi, welcome to our video series on interpreting lab values. In this portion of the video series, we're going to look at urine culture and sensitivity test. So, why is a urine culture and sensitivity test ordered? Well, I wanted to remind you that sometimes it's written urine C&S.

    00:19 It just stands for culture and sensitivity. So the 2 main reasons one of these tests is ordered is first of all your patient is telling you they have some unusual symptoms, things that lead us to think about a UTI. They may complain about a burning sensation when they pee. They might need to pee more often, and it looks different. Usually it's darker or cloudy. Now, the 2nd reason is we did a urinalysis and we got some abnormal results that need to be followed up.

    00:49 We see nitrites or extra white blood cells. These would indicate that the patient has a UTI.

    00:55 So, a urine culture and sensitivity test will help us further diagnose what's causing that UTI.

    01:03 Let's look at how a UTI develops. Yeah, this one isn't very fun but it happens. A urinary tract infection typically occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract. Now, it usually happens right at the end, through the urethra, and it begins to multiply in the bladder. So take a look at our picture. You've got the urethra there. Now, just for fun, do you think this is a male or a female? Well, follow the urethra right up and see that little round shape organ on either side of the urethra. Yup, that's the prostate. So, this is clearly a male client. Follow the urethra up into the bladder. That is the path of how most typically UTIs occur. The bacteria will travel up through the urethra into the bladder. Now as this progresses, we'll call that cystitis because the bladder is a cyst, it's an open organ, right, it just collects urine, but as the UTI develops, it can spread from the bladder, head up those ureters, and even end up in a kidney infection.

    02:10 So a UTI stands for urinary tract infection. That urinary tract is from the exit all the way up to the kidneys. And now you can see why people with a UTI if it's left untreated it can easily become a kidney infection. We know that women tend to have UTIs much more frequently than men, but why are females more likely to develop a UTI than males. Well, it's all about location, location, location. Take a look at the graphics I have for you there on the screen.

    02:43 Look at the female in comparison to the male. The female's urethra is much shorter and much closer to the anus. That makes it much easier for bacteria from the intestines or your gut to travel up into the urinary tract and cause an infection.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Review of Urinary Tract Infection (Nursing) by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course Interpretation of Renal Lab Values (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Women have shorter urethras closer to the anus
    2. Women have larger bladders and tend to urinate less frequently
    3. Women are likely to have more bacteria due to the close proximity to the vagina
    4. Women do not have a prostate which aids in the transport of urine

    Author of lecture Review of Urinary Tract Infection (Nursing)

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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