
Quick Review: Examination of the Female Genitourinary System

by Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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    00:01 Okay, let's review what we've learned during this lecture.

    00:05 When you're looking at the skin in the vulva and over the labia majora, you're looking for vesicles, which may be a marker of HSV infection, genital warts or ulcers.

    00:17 Within the vagina, you're looking along the walls of the vagina for any alterations in that area, and any vaginal discharge would could be a clue to the diagnosis of the patient's symptoms.

    00:26 Looking specifically at the cervix, once visualized, you're looking at the colour, you're trying to look for any friability and any evidence of discharge, which may suggest a urethritis or excuse me, a chlamydia infection.

    00:39 Within the uterus, when you're doing the bimanual exam, you're looking for size or any evidence of nodularity, which may suggest fibroids.

    00:46 And then likewise with the ovaries.

    00:48 You're simply trying to assess size and/or tenderness.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Quick Review: Examination of the Female Genitourinary System by Stephen Holt, MD, MS is from the course Examination of the Male and Female Genitourinary System.

    Author of lecture Quick Review: Examination of the Female Genitourinary System

     Stephen Holt, MD, MS

    Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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