
Providing Emotional Support in Spanish

by Amber Vanderburg

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    00:01 As healthcare providers, we provide not only physical care, but also act as emotional support.

    00:10 Consider these Spanish phrases to elevate your emotional care with your Spanish speaking phrases.

    00:19 Consider this phrase, "Estoy aquí para ayudarle." (I am here to help you.) "Estoy aqui" means I am here. "Para" means to...

    00:38 and "ayudarle" is a conjugation of "ayudar" which means to help.

    00:46 You might hear a patient say "ayudame" which means (Help me!) So, "Estoy aqui para ayudarle." You can also consider this phrase.

    01:00 "Le entiendo" - when said sincerely and genuinely can be extremely comforting in a tough situation.

    01:11 "Le entiendo" means (I understand.) You might extend more empathy by stating, "Sé que es difícil." Which means (I know it is difficult.) So, "le entiendo se que es difícil" which means (I understand, I know it is difficult.) Here’s a phrase that can also make a big impact with trust.

    01:46 "Estoy aquí para escucharlo." Okay, we’ve learned that "estoy aqui" means (I am here) and we know that "para" means to, now here’s a new word - "escucharlo." This comes from "escuchar" which means (to listen.) So you are saying that (I am here to listen to you.) These are helpful phrases to aid in your emotional support of your patients.

    02:20 Obviously, learning a new language is tough, and this crash course only scratches the surface of phrases and vocabulary you can use as you provide care to your Spanish-speaking patients.

    02:36 As you continue to practice these phrases, you might feel overwhelmed by the amount of the phrases and words you’ve learned in a short amount of time - take your time and try one or two phrases at a time.

    02:51 And with time, patience, and practice – you’ll be able to better connect with your patients.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Providing Emotional Support in Spanish by Amber Vanderburg is from the course Spanish Phrases for the Healthcare Team.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. "Estoy aquí para ayudarle."
    2. "Le entiendo se que es difícil."
    3. "Regrese a verme en una semana."
    4. "Respire hondo."

    Author of lecture Providing Emotional Support in Spanish

     Amber Vanderburg

    Amber Vanderburg

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