So, Barb we've talked a lot about acquiring knowledge and
storing that knowledge
in long-term memory. But in medicine, a big component of
what we go through is
what we call training and this always makes me think of you
know how we train
our athletes and I was wondering can you draw some analogies
and maybe tell us
about similarities and differences between how athletes are
trained and how
perhaps we could be trained as physicians. Absolutely. In
fact, to do that I want to
tell you about my favorite athlete of all time. And here you
can see him right
before us, his name is Julius Yego and he's from Kenya. If
you know anything
about Kenya, you know they're famous for their long distance
But look at Juliuses' arms. He is not a long distance
runner. In fact, he always
wanted to learn how to throw the javelin. And the challenge
was that he couldn't
go overseas to study, there were no javelin coaches in all
of Kenya. So how could
he learn? He began watching YouTube videos. And it's all he
could afford. And he
watched those videos and go practice, watch, and practice
and actually 98%
of the time just watching and practicing on his own he
became the world
champion in throwing the javelin. So we should step back a
little bit and look at the
history of education. For thousands of years, people thought
the only way you
really learn is by listening to an explicit lecture. So,
people would come, they
would spend an hour or two hours all day in a classroom
listening to a lecture and
that's how they thought learning was most effectively
conveyed. But then they
began to realize that you know maybe that's not as good as
it could be. In fact,
maybe it could be that if we have active learning in the
classroom that could be
much much better. If we have our students always actively
learning the material,
they'll learn it even better. But what they didn't realize
is there's actually a bit of a
problem with that because you can actively be working with
materials but how do
you get those initial faint links of learning into Neo, the
neocortex, in order
to begin working actively with it. So, what they then
decided to do was try out a
mixture of lecture with active learning. They try different
proportions, more
lectures sometimes or more active learning. And ultimately
this sort of mixture
of active learning with lecture came to be called direct
instruction, and this was
found by copious research to be amongst the best of ways for
you to learn
material. So just as with Julius Yego, what he was actually
doing was he was
sitting at a desk and he would actually watch those YouTube
videos and think
about what he was learning, that was the explicit
instruction part. And then he
would go out and he would practice and that was the active
learning part of what
he was doing. So, he was very cleverly making use of direct
instruction, that
wonderful mixture of explicit instruction with active
learning. But what does this
really mean when we go into the brain and look at how the
brain learns? As it
turns out, there are, well I'd mentioned to you that there
are sets of links in
long-term memory in the neocortex and that's how we learn.
But what I didn't
tell you was there are 2 ways that we put those sets of
links in long-term memory.
The first pathway is the declarative pathway. And that takes
information from
working memory through the hippocampus, your old friend Hip,
and places those
links in Neo. So that's the first pathway. The second
pathway is a different
one. It doesn't use the hippocampus, it instead uses a big
cluster of nuclei known
as the basal ganglia and this pathway is called the
procedural pathway.
When you are learning, you learn both through the
declarative pathway and
through the procedural pathway. In fact, roughly, you can
think of lecture as
being a form of declarative learning and that active
practice as being a form of
procedural learning. Both types of learning are very
necessary in order for you to
truly learn the material. You need links that are both
declaratively laid and
procedurally laid in order for you to progress well with
your learning. So, what is
the difference between these 2 different pathways? For
procedural learning,
you're often simply not conscious of what you're learning.
So, you're learning
how to hit a baseball, you're not really conscious of how
you're doing it, you just
know that you're telling yourself to hit the baseball and
then you see whether or not
you've hit it but you don't really know how you're actually
learning to do that.
Procedural learning develops through practice where
declarative is more explicit.
And then procedural learning is kind of odd. You can't
explain what you've learned
a lot of the time. So if you learn how to solve a Rubik's
cube, that's often
something you learn procedurally and you can't explain how
you do it, you just
know you can do it. Similarly, you can tie your shoelaces
but try to explain to
someone using only words how you tie those shoelaces. It can
be a little difficult.
The procedural pathway is not just for rote learning. We
often make that mistake
of "Oh that's just when you're memorizing things." No. It
does help you remember
things, but it also helps you analyze complex patterns. So
it's a very very important
pathway if you memorize the multiplication table and then I
might mention
to you 2 times 6 is 13. You'll say that's not right in part
because you know it's
12 but in part because you know that 2 times anything is an
even number and 13
is not an even number. You've learned that complex pattern
just through the
practice. So, procedural learning is kind of slow, you got
to practice a lot, but
that's a lot of what you're doing in medicine. It's very
fast to use, however.
So, even something like learning how to type on a keyboard
takes you a long time
to do. But once you do it, it's very fast. Once you've
learned it, it's very fast.
If somebody comes in and changes that keyboard though, it
can be very inflexible in
what you're learning because it took you a long time to
learn that and then
unlearning it and relearning something that you've learned
procedurally is quite
difficult to do. So, how can you learn both declaratively
and procedurally?
What different techniques can you use to help you with your
learning? Retrieval
practice will help you with both declarative and procedural
learning. So,
in other words try to pull those sets of links from long-term
memory and that will
help you with whatever type of links that you've deposited.
Keep in mind what you
deposit through the declarative system of the hippocampus is
a different set of
links than what you deposit through the basal ganglia, the
procedural pathway.
Now, if you space out your lines, so you're using spaced
repetition. That will help
with both declarative and procedural learning. But if you
want to learn
declaratively for sure, explanation like what I'm doing
right now, is one of the
best ways to learn declaratively. Procedurally, if you want
to learn procedurally
better, the best way to do it is do lots and lots of
practice with whatever you're
learning. A little bit of interleaving is also exceptionally
valuable for whatever
you're learning procedurally. And what I mean by this is
when you, let's say
that you're learning some technique. So, I'll just give an
example from statistics
and probability. If you are learning the geometric
distribution versus the binomial
distribution versus the negative binomial distribution, the
tendency is to do
10 problems of binomial, 10 of negative binomial, and 10 of
geometric and you
think you've learned each one really well but you haven't.
You've only learned
that the first couple of times you did a problem you kind of
got the sense of how
to do it and from then on you were just mimicking what you
had learned before.
But if you mix up your problems, anything that is similar
enough to be confused
mix up those types of problems and you'll find that you
actually learn it better.
You learn what kind of technique to use not just how to use
that technique. So,
interleaving is valuable and what's kind of sad is that when
we're learning
textbooks are not set up for interleaving. They will often
be set up chapter by
chapter, you'll learn the material, but you won't get
problems that are mixed up,
you won't get like information from chapter 4 or problems
from chapter 4 and 7
and 9 all mixed together but yet that's what you want to be
doing in your learning
because ultimately you'll be getting mixed up questions on
your tests and of
course when you're actually meeting patients you'll get a
variety of different
things you never really know what to expect. So, remember
there are both the
declarative and the procedural pathways. Quite different,
both deposit sets of
links in long-term memory, but they each sort of have
different good and bad
aspects to them. Now, when you're learning anything, you can
learn of course
declaratively. Some people will have more of a tendency to
learn declaratively.
For example, those with dyslexia it seems have more of a
tendency to like to learn
declaratively. Those who learn are perhaps a little bit on
the autism spectrum,
they can prefer to learn more procedurally. And if we put
them in the box and say
"Oh, you must explain everything you've just learned," it can
sometimes be quite
difficult for them because they can understand how to do it
but they can't put
it into declarative terminology to explain it. So, there can
be very different ways that
people can learn material and they can learn it very well.
Ultimately, you want to try
as much as possible to learn information through both
declarative and procedural
pathways because both will allow you to use the information
effectively. Now,
I do want to bring up the idea of driving home for the day.
So whether you're
driving home, walking home, riding a bicycle or whatever,
however you get home
you can do it so many times that after a while it kind of
seems like you can do it in
your sleep. Well, of course not quite in your sleep but it's
so easy to do that you can
be thinking about other things as you're going home. Why is
that even though that
that route home maybe very complex? You're using your
procedural system.
Once you've done things a lot of times, you don't even need
to think about what
you're doing in order to be able to do it. For many things
that you're doing in medicine
and healthcare, you don't want to have to think consciously.
You want to be able to
react instinctively and intuitively with what you're
learning. Barb this is so helpful
to hear and as you cited so many examples about how relevant
this is to healthcare,
you really whether you're doing a history and physical and
evaluating a patient
and going through a procedure you do it over and over and I
loved your analogy
of driving home at the end on a busy freeway. If you think
about it, that's really a
dangerous risky event that we all take for granted because
we've done it so often.
And that's really what we need to strive to do when we're
learning medicine that this
becomes second nature to you and then if something goes
wrong you've got plenty
of mental capacity to adjust and make sure that we get the
right outcomes.
So this really helps clarify why training is as important
component as all the
knowledge acquisition that we pursue how those 2 things work
So thank you once again.