Let's carry on with a few more of these
definitions. So here we've got our visceral
peritoneum and here we've got our parietal
peritoneum. We've got a retroperitoneal organ
being the kidney and we have an
intraperitoneal organ being the small
intestine, a piece of jejunum or ileum, for
example. Where we have that layer of
peritoneum that actually leaves the small
intestine and runs to the posterior abdominal
wall, we have a double layer. So you can
imagine as we go over the left kidney, we
have a portion of peritoneum that runs over
the left kidney. It then leaves the abdominal
wall to go and encapsulate all of the small
intestine. As it comes back around the small
intestine, it then returns to the posterior
abdominal wall. Now we've got these 2 layers
that are pushed together. This is called a
mesentery, a double layer of peritoneum.
Hopefully now you can imagine that with this
double layer of peritoneum, it actually forms
a root and this helps to give that small
intestine a great deal of mobility which of
course is important as the passage of food is
being digested and absorbed as it passes all
the way through the gastrointestinal tract.
During embryological development, all of the
gastrointestinal tube was one continuous
floating suspended by mesentery tube.
But as the small intestine grew a much faster
pace than the large intestine and the small
intestine occupied that much bigger location
within the central portion of the abdomen, it
actually force the colon or the large
intestine laterally and that's why we can see
the large intestine actually pushed to the
lateral margins of the abdomen. And what
actually happened here is the colon, which
we can see, is also suspended by a piece of
mesentery. But as the small intestine got
bigger and bigger, so the large intestine
indicated here by the colon on both the left
and the extreme right side was pushed
laterally, and that's where we see it today
in the adult human. And as it kept getting
pushed and pushed, it lost its mesentery. If
we go back a couple of slides, you can see
how it has a mesentery. And then as the small
intestine expands, expands, expands, it gets
pushed laterally and it actually blends with
the posterior abdominal wall. And that
mesentery is lost.
Now because of this, it is a retroperitoneal
organ, but because it's started off by having
a root of mesentery, it was suspended and due
to the small intestine increasing in size, so
the large intestine got pushed to the lateral
margins and so lost its mesentery. It's now a
retroperitoneum organ but we distinguish it
from other retroperitoneal organs like the
kidney by calling it secondarily
retroperitoneal because it did start with a
mesentery. Now let's have a look at this in a
slightly different way. Instead of looking at
it as if we'd made a transverse section and
now we're looking at the person through that
feet, let's have a look at this as if we were
to do a sagittal section through the cadaver.
So on the right hand side of the screen, we
have the vertebral column. On the left hand
side, we have the anterior abdominal wall.
And we've made a sagittal section through the
liver. You can see there we have L, stomach
S, transverse colon, aorta, pancreas,
duodenum, and the small intestine. We can see
those structures. And what we can see is the
peritoneum actually investing itself all the
way around these organs. So here we can see
the stomach and if we just go to the bottom
where the small intestine is located, we can
see that double layer of peritoneum. We can
see there are 2 lines as indicated by the
black dot indicating the mesentery. There are
2 blue lines and that's because it's a double
layer of peritoneum passing down around the
small intestine and then back to the
posterior abdominal wall. This is the
It suspends the small intestine. When I spoke
previously about the large intestine being
pushed laterally, I didn't mention the
transverse colon because the transverse
colon, remember, was pushed upwards and this
piece of the colon retains the mesentery. So
that piece wasn't pushed laterally and forced
to become secondarily retroperitoneal. The
transverse colon therefore maintains the
mesentery. What do we call this mesentery? We
call it the transverse mesocolon. So it's
transverse for the transverse colon, it's
meso for mesentery, transverse mesocolon.
The mesentery of the transverse colon and we
can see that there. If we also do have a look
at the liver, the liver is associated with
the peritoneum and here we can see how the
liver actually develops within what's called
the ventral mesentery. You should look at
that in some embryology textbooks. It's a
remnant of the ventral mesentery, which is a
piece of mesentery that connects to the
primitive gut tube to the anterior abdominal
wall. Then as the gastrointestinal tract
rotated to the right, so the liver became
situated on the right side. And it retained
its peritoneal attachments. So here we can
see how the liver is pushed off against the
diaphragm and retains some of those
peritoneal attachments. If we follow it from
the anterior abdominal wall, we can see it
passes up on the side of the diaphragm and
then runs towards the liver where it then
runs along the anterior surface of the liver.
That little connection between the diaphragm
and the liver at the top is known as the
anterior coronary ligament. A similar thing
happens on the posterior aspect where we can
see the posterior aspect of the liver and the
posterior abdominal wall. The liver is
connected at that point by the posterior
coronary ligament. And this is really
important because they help to suspend the
liver in position and help to prevent it
falling down into the abdomen. It's suspended
from the diaphragm by the anterior and
posterior coronary ligament. We have another
piece of peritoneal attachment that's running
from the liver to the duodenum and the
stomach. And this is known as the
hepatoduodenal ligament and the hepatogastric
ligament. So a connection of peritoneum from
the liver to the duodenum is the
hepatoduodenal ligament and a connection of
the liver to the stomach is the hepatogastric
ligament. We'll come to that in a little
while later when we talk about the lesser
omentum because now we can see on the screen
we have a greater omentum. Now a greater
omentum is a remnant of these peritoneal
foldings and outpouchings of various twists
and turns that GI tract takes during
embryological development. And what we can
see is the greater omentum is formed by 2
double layers of peritoneum when it's below
the transverse colon. So here coming away
from the stomach, we can see 2 layers of
peritoneum that's surrounding the stomach.
They then converge to go down as the anterior
layer of the greater omentum to then come
back up and go over the transverse colon as
another double layer. This is the posterior
layer of the greater omentum. So we can see
leaving the stomach and descending, we have 2
layers of peritoneum forming the anterior
parts of the greater omentum. It gets to the
bottom of the greater omentum before it comes
back up as another double layer and then
heads towards the posterior abdominal wall.
You can just about make out then the
connection of the transverse mesocolon so you
can see between the stomach and the
transverse colon, there are actually 6 layers
of peritoneum; 2 from the stomach going down,
2 coming up as the posterior layer of greater
omentum going over the transverse colon, and
then 2 layers of the transverse mesocolon. So
there we actually have 6 layers of
peritoneum. I spoke about the greater
omentum. We have the 2 layers going over the
stomach coming down forming the greater
omentum and here we have 2 layers of the
stomach and what will be part of the duodenum
going to the liver and that is the lesser
omentum, which has those 2 gastrohepatic and
gastroduodenal ligaments.