
Oral Cavity

by Darren Salmi, MD, MS

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    00:01 Now let's take a look at the oral cavity.

    00:05 The oral cavity is bounded anteriorly by the oral fissure, really the space between the lips.

    00:14 Posteriorly, we have the oropharyngeal isthmus, beyond which, were beyond the oral cavity and into the oropharynx.

    00:24 Laterally we have the cheeks.

    00:28 When we look from below towards the superior aspect of the oral cavity, we see the hard and soft palates and these form the roof of the oral cavity.

    00:39 The hard palate is the area that has bone and the soft palate lacks bone.

    00:44 If we're looking down, we actually see the tongue, a very complicated ball of muscles.

    00:50 As well as what's called the muscular diaphragm.

    00:53 And a lot of these muscles are going to be composed of what are called suprahyoid muscles or muscles that attach to the hyoid bone.

    01:02 Together these are gonna make up the floor of the oral cavity.

    01:06 Here we see a little space between the lips in the teeth called the oral vestibule.

    01:13 Beyond which we have the oral cavity proper.

    01:19 And in a sagittal cross section through the midline, we can see some of the skeletal framework for the oral cavity.

    01:27 We have the mandible forming the lower portion.

    01:32 And then more posteriorly, we have that very important neck bone called the hyoid.

    01:39 More superiorly we have the maxilla.

    01:43 And posterior to the maxilla is the rest of the hard palate formed by the palatine bone.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Oral Cavity by Darren Salmi, MD, MS is from the course Upper Aerodigestive Tract.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Oropharyngeal isthmus
    2. Oral fissure
    3. Cheeks
    4. Hard palate
    5. Soft palate
    1. Tongue
    2. Muscular diaphragm
    3. Maxilla
    4. Hyoid
    5. Oral vestibule

    Author of lecture Oral Cavity

     Darren Salmi, MD, MS

    Darren Salmi, MD, MS

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