
OMM Treatment: Lymphatic Technique

by Tyler Cymet, DO, FACOFP

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    00:00 Manipulation is the therapeutic application of a force.

    00:04 And a force can come from a lot of different ways.

    00:06 I can provide the force as a provider.

    00:08 The force can come from gravity.

    00:10 It can come from physiologic actions within a patient— like the heartbeat, like respirations or the fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid.

    00:18 Every osteopathic medical student is taught 7 different ways to do manipulation, to free up motion in the body.

    00:26 And we’re going to talk about each of those 7 types of manipulation, what they are, and how they differ so you can identify what’s being done or how you might treat a patient with a particular issue.

    00:38 The 7 different types can be broken down into many different ways.

    00:41 I like thinking of them as 3 tissue treatments which will be myofascial, lymphatic, and soft tissue and those are where we treat the tissue to get a response.

    00:53 There is a release by positioning called counterstrain where if you hold the body in a particular position, the body will start to heal itself.

    01:01 The neural mechanisms will take over and reorient how the body is thinking about what’s going on.

    01:07 There are 2 more muscle based articulatory techniques that are more dramatic in what you see and that’s high velocity, low amplitude thrusting and muscle energy.

    01:17 And the 7th type is cranial osteopathic manipulative medicine where the craniosacral rhythm and the motion of the cranium is manipulated to help free up motion and make a person feel better.

    01:29 So let’s start reviewing each of the 7 types.

    01:32 The first type of manipulation we’re going to talk about is called lymphatic pump.

    01:37 The lymphatic pump is when you deal with the lymph system in the body.

    01:41 The body has lymph everywhere.

    01:43 It kind of bathes the tissues, bathes the body but sometimes it starts to pool or get caught in diaphragms where it doesn’t go through easily.

    01:53 And we try to manipulate it by easing up motion, helping motion, and helping a person’s lymph system return and get redistributed.

    02:03 I’m going to start by showing you a thoracic/lymphatic pump and that’s basically where you find a position in the chest where you may have a coagulation of lymph and you just generally push on it and help the lymph flow.

    02:18 And it’s usually a rhythmic helping of the lymph in the body flow.

    02:23 Then you check the diaphragm.

    02:25 There are 7 diaphragms in the body.

    02:26 I’m going to check the thoracic diaphragm and the pelvic diaphragm now just to make sure there’s freedom of motion and freedom of flow.

    02:38 And if there is freedom of flow, you just massage the lymph to return.

    02:43 So we can come and make sure that you get flow of the lymph through the tissues then end up in the periphery.

    02:58 That’s the lymphatic pump.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture OMM Treatment: Lymphatic Technique by Tyler Cymet, DO, FACOFP is from the course Introduction to Osteopathic Treatment.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Counterstrain
    2. Muscle energy
    3. HVLA
    4. Craniosacral therapy
    1. Diaphragms
    2. Muscles
    3. Venous plexus
    4. Fascia
    5. Tendons

    Author of lecture OMM Treatment: Lymphatic Technique

     Tyler Cymet, DO, FACOFP

    Tyler Cymet, DO, FACOFP

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