
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD) (Nursing)

by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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    00:01 Obsessive-compulsive disorders are their own category.

    00:08 Obsessions are thoughts that are recurrent, intrusive, and despite being considered illogical by the person, they persist, and they create stress.

    00:20 Now the compulsions are the behaviours or mental actions that a person cannot ignore or refuse to perform.

    00:29 Because the performance has the effect of reducing that sense of anxiety.

    00:35 So when we say obsessive-compulsive, the obsessions increase that stress.

    00:41 The compulsions are used to decrease that anxiety.

    00:48 Now, a person can experience just obsessions.

    00:53 A person can experience just compulsives behaviours or mental behaviours.

    01:00 Or the person may have both the obsessions and the compulsions.

    01:05 This disorder is diagnosed when those obsessions and or compulsions interfere with activities of daily living, you're right.

    01:21 What do we know about OCD, which is obsessive-compulsive disorder? Well, it occurs equally between men and women.

    01:30 It may begin in childhood.

    01:33 It's more commonly seen in adolescence and early adulthood.

    01:39 And it is chronic.

    01:43 Obsessive-compulsive disorder interferes with relationships.

    01:48 And you can understand how if your obsessions and or compulsions are interfering with your activities of daily living, it's really difficult to engage in a relationship with another person, unless that person is willing to accept you with your obsessions and compulsions.

    02:11 We see it more commonly in single people than in married people.

    02:16 OCD interferes with relationships.

    02:18 So it's very hard for a person to connect with another person.

    02:23 And therefore this chronic disorder doesn't support marriage very well.

    02:33 There are some common comorbidities.

    02:37 So people who have OCD quite frequently also are diagnosed with depression.

    02:43 And also with substance use.

    02:48 The substance use usually is self medication for some of those anxiety as well as for the depression.

    02:58 So what are some of the common compulsions that we see? Handwashing is a common compulsion.

    03:05 Praying is a common compulsion.

    03:09 Counting is a common compulsion and checking on things.

    03:14 I once had a patient and when she would leave the room, she would leave and then she would come back in, she would check around, say goodbye.

    03:28 She'd walk out, she'd come back in.

    03:32 She look around.

    03:36 Wave, leave.

    03:38 And she would do it three or four times.

    03:40 I knew it was what she did, it was her compulsion.

    03:43 She was not doing it to be intrusive on me.

    03:46 It was intrusive, but I knew where it was coming from.

    03:51 The compulsion helps her to think, I didn't leave anything behind.

    03:57 We may have our own compulsions that have not interfered with our activities of daily living.

    04:04 And remember, it's only when they interfere that they become a disorder.

    04:09 So for example, if you are somebody who wakes up in the morning and says a prayer, if you are somebody who, when you pass a cemetery, you cross yourself and you say a prayer, if you are somebody who likes to count when you're walking, these are not, meaning that you have OCD or you have a compulsive disorder, because we might do these things but we can stop.

    04:39 We can stop when we want to.

    04:42 The compulsion is when it's interfering with our activities of daily living, and we are unable to not do them.

    04:51 That is what a compulsion is.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD) (Nursing) by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN is from the course Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders: GAD, Phobias, OCD, PTSD (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. It is more commonly seen in adolescents and early adulthood
    2. It is only diagnosed if the person experiences both obsessions and compulsions
    3. It is more prevalent in women
    4. It is acute in onset and duration
    1. The client who washes their hands for hours at a time while counting to themselves, missing meals and family visits as a result
    2. The client who sets multiple alarms and checks them once before bed, as they have a tendency to oversleep
    3. The client who washes their hands and says a prayer before every meal
    4. The client who bumps elbows instead of shaking hands when meeting new people to avoid germs

    Author of lecture Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD) (Nursing)

     Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

    Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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