Welcome back! Continuing the basic vascular
medicine course, we’re going to talk about
instrument-based diagnostic techniques.
The learning objectives are first of all:
what kind of instrument-based diagnostic techniques
exist and also which non-invasive techniques
are the most common and, of course, the most
So let’s start in this little diagram with
the non-invasive techniques. And we’ll move
on later to talk about some of the invasive
One of the very best tests for the presence
of peripheral vascular disease from atherosclerosis
– with narrowing of the arteries – is
the ankle brachial index. In this, we take
blood pressures in the leg and in the arm
and make a comparison. Let’s look at this
test in a little more detail.
First, one places the patient lying, or supine,
with all extremities and head on the same
level on the table. You use a small Doppler
ultrasound blood flow detector to find two
arteries. You find the dorsalis pedis artery
and the posterior tibial artery in the foot
and the brachial artery in the arm. You use
a blood pressure cuff – a sphygmomanometer
– to measure the blood in both areas. This
is the simple blood pressure test that we
always do on the arm but here we’re also
doing it on the leg. First, you measure the
systolic – that is the squeeze of the left
ventricle: the highest, number one blood pressure
– in the left and right arm. And then you
measure it in the two foot arteries: the posterior
tibial and the dorsalis pedal artery of the
foot. And you make a comparison of the two.
The blood pressures should be approximately
equal in both the arm and the leg, or maybe
even a little higher in the leg because of
some physical characteristics of the arterial
system. But the blood pressure in the leg
should not be less than the blood pressure
in the arm. And when it is less, it implies
that there’s an obstruction in the blood
flow to the leg. And you can see here mild
reductions, moderate reductions and severe
reductions in the blood pressure in the leg
tell you that there is mild, moderate or severe
atherosclerotic obstructive disease in the