
Review of Medication Administration: Routes and The Five Rights (Nursing)

by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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    00:00 So what can we do for a person with psychosis or a person who has schizophrenia spectrum disorders.

    00:09 It's really important that we have medications that do make a very positive impact on the lives of persons with schizophrenia disorder.

    00:19 Also, there are environmental strategies that we can put into play that will help people to do better in their life.

    00:29 So let's think about I mentioned it earlier, some routes of medication administration.

    00:35 When we think about medication administration, we know that people can take oral pills, we know that they can have patches, we know that they can get injections, we know there are suppositories.

    00:47 We want to be thinking about antipsychotics.

    00:50 And antipsychotics can be taken orally.

    00:55 And they also can be taken IAM as long acting injectables.

    01:01 They also can be inhalation.

    01:05 That way they go intranasally, they can be done under the tongue sublingually.

    01:11 They can be put in the cheek, we have patches that we can put on skin and we also have rectal suppositories.

    01:20 So we have to be thinking about all possibilities depending on our patient.

    01:27 There are persons who have schizophrenia, who also ended up having a stroke.

    01:33 Because they have a stroke does not mean that we don't medicate them anymore.

    01:37 If they can't swallow, we have to find another route.

    01:41 There are persons who have schizophrenia who have other medical diagnoses.

    01:47 We have to really be thinking about how do we get them what they need.

    01:51 How can that be done? So let's think about those five original rights of medication administration.

    02:00 All right, we want to think about the drug itself, we want to think about the client, we want to think about the dose, how are we going to give it and what time are we going to give it.

    02:13 So these are the five rights of medication administration: drug, client, dose, route and time.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Review of Medication Administration: Routes and The Five Rights (Nursing) by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN is from the course Schizophrenia (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Inside the cheek
    2. Under the tongue
    3. On top of the skin
    4. Inside the nose
    1. Right route
    2. Right dose
    3. Right client
    4. Right brand

    Author of lecture Review of Medication Administration: Routes and The Five Rights (Nursing)

     Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

    Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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