
Major Depressive Disorders with Case (Nursing)

by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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    00:01 So now let's take a look at depressive disorder.

    00:04 Depressive disorder is not an episode.

    00:07 Remember, we said episodes are the building blocks to disorders.

    00:12 And there are 4 specific types of depressive disorders that we're going to cover today.

    00:18 Major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and also disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.

    00:31 So when we're thinking about the major depressive disorders, and we usually use MDD.

    00:38 We sometimes see these a happening with sort of an anxious distress.

    00:44 You'll notice the person is perhaps having depression, or sadness that starts at the beginning of fall, and then it goes straight through and starts to lift at the end of the winter.

    00:59 This is a seasonal pattern.

    01:01 We often call this seasonal affective disorder or SAD.

    01:13 During pregnancy, we also may see some kind of disorders, we call it peripartum disorders.

    01:20 And that might be the weeks before the person is going to deliver the baby.

    01:26 Four weeks is usually where we see it, just before there is a drop in mood.

    01:33 Now when we're thinking about the major depressive disorders, once again, it is not an episode.

    01:40 It is something that is happening almost every single day.

    01:45 And it lasts for more than 2 months.

    01:48 So we want to ask them, how long have you been feeling this way? Because that will help us identify whether we are looking at a disorder or perhaps another episode.

    02:01 So when we are thinking about depression, especially and all major depressive disorders, it's important to know that for adults who are less than 45 years of age, this is our leading cause of disability.

    02:20 Yes, you heard me right disability, they are not able to go to work.

    02:25 They're not able to do things that they normally do.

    02:28 When you have a disorder, what it means is that this is interrupting your activities of daily living.

    02:36 And so you want to be very careful to understand how this really impacts a human beings regular life.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Major Depressive Disorders with Case (Nursing) by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN is from the course Mood Disorders: Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
    2. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
    3. Borderline personality disorder
    4. Pervasive developmental disorder
    1. The client that reports that they have been sleeping more than they used to and have been feeling lethargic daily for the last five months
    2. The client that reports experiencing a loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy, low appetite, and persistent low mood for the past year
    3. The client that reports feeling hopeless and fatigued for the last month
    4. The client that reports experiencing days where they feel very down and lethargic, and reports that this has occurred about twice a month over the past 2 years
    1. MDDs are the leading cause of disability in adults under 45
    2. Symptoms of MDD can occur in pregnancy, most often around four weeks before delivery
    3. MDD refers to clusters of symptoms that occur almost every day for a period of one month or longer
    4. Atypical symptoms of MDD include tiredness and sadness

    Author of lecture Major Depressive Disorders with Case (Nursing)

     Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

    Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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