
Lymph Transport (Nursing)

by Jasmine Clark, PhD

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    00:01 The lymph system is a low pressure system much like our venous system.

    00:07 So how do we get the lymph propelled up from the bottom of the body toward the heart? Well, we use several different mechanisms including the milking action of our skeletal muscles as we move.

    00:21 Also, pressure changes in our abdominal area such as during inhalation, where the abdominal pressure is going to increase while that the thoracic pressure decreases, basically causing the lymph to flow upward toward the thoracic region during an exhalation.

    00:40 Also, valves that prevent backflow so once it moves up, it cannot go back down.

    00:48 We also have the pulsation of nearby arteries that help direct the lymph in the right direction.

    00:55 The lymphatics also contain smooth muscles which are going to contract and help move the lymph in the right direction.

    01:06 So physical activity can sometimes increase the flow of lymph.

    01:11 And so this is why a lot of times when a person gets an injury, they are told to immobilize the injury.

    01:19 This immobilization of that area will keep all the necessary inflammatory materials in that area so that the area can heal faster.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Lymph Transport (Nursing) by Jasmine Clark, PhD is from the course Lymphatic System – Physiology (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Lymph
    2. Plasma
    3. Interstitial fluid
    4. Synovial fluid
    1. Thoracic wall, lungs, and heart
    2. Upper limbs
    3. Head and neck
    4. Stomach, intestines, and pancreas
    1. The lymphatic system is a low pressure system and the valves prevent backflow of lymph
    2. The lymphatic system transports many proteins and the valves offer extra support for the dense lymph
    3. The lymphatic system is a high pressure system and the valves limit the flow of lymph to decrease pressure in the vessels
    4. The lymphatic vessels are very permeable and the valves support the structure of the internal lumen

    Author of lecture Lymph Transport (Nursing)

     Jasmine Clark, PhD

    Jasmine Clark, PhD

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