
Laxative Abuse

by Carlo Raj, MD

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    00:01 Laxative abuse causing diarrhea.

    00:03 Common especially amongst the elder because as we get older, our ability to have proper motion maybe compromised.

    00:14 Therefore, oftentimes these patients are taking laxatives either prescribed or non-prescribed but their taking it. Abuse. Colonoscopy will show something call, 'melanosis coli'.

    00:27 Barium enema will show 'cathartic colon'.

    00:34 You´re moving up the anus, Barium enema will show you cathartic colon.

    00:43 Stool phenolphthalein was a diagnostic test but now, of course, withdrawn because of FDA. Stool panel for laxatives are now available and treat underlying emotional disorder.

    00:59 Sometimes, remember with laxative abuse there might be psychologic issues that are taking place.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Laxative Abuse by Carlo Raj, MD is from the course Small and Large Intestine Diseases: Basic Principles with Carlo Raj.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Melanosis coli
    2. Cathartic colon
    3. Pseudomembranes
    4. Pseudopolyps
    5. Serpentine ulcers
    1. Barium enema
    2. Colonoscopy
    3. CT scan of the abdomen with contrast
    4. MRI scan of the abdomen
    5. CT scan of the abdomen without contrast
    1. Stool panel
    2. Stool phenolphthalein
    3. Colonoscopy
    4. X-ray of the colon
    5. CT scan of the abdomen

    Author of lecture Laxative Abuse

     Carlo Raj, MD

    Carlo Raj, MD

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