
Introduce Yourself and Ask for Consent in Spanish

by Amber Vanderburg

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    00:01 When you first encounter your Spanish speaking patients, utilizing a few basic greetings is a wonderful way to build rapport from the get go.

    00:12 Consider these phrases for an introduction.

    00:16 Start by saying, Hello! "Hola!" That's right. Hello is "Hola!" "Hola!" means Hello! Say it with me, "Hola!" To say good morning or good day, you can say, "Buenos días” This can be used in the morning or in any part of the day.

    00:37 The first word is "bueno", which means good.

    00:41 The second is "dias", which means day! "Buenos dias!" If you are greeting someone in the afternoon, consider saying, "Buenas tardes." "Buenas tardes" is like "Buenos" in "buenos dias" but with an A instead of an O.

    00:59 So, the first word is "buenas." "Buenas" means good.

    01:05 Next, say afternoon by saying, "Tardes." Imagine if you were supposed to be somewhere in the morning but were tardy and got there in the afternoon. "Tardes." If you are working on the night or evening shift, it might be silly to say "buenos dias" – it’s not the daytime! For the night shift say, "Buenas noches." "Buenas," same as "buenas tardes," and then "noches," which means night.

    01:40 Lastly, if you want to shorten the introduction, you can simply say, “¡Buenas!” This is a faster and simpler way to say good day, good morning, good afternoon, or good evening! After you have said hello, then introduce yourself with your name.

    02:00 Say "Me" which means Me - then say "llamo" which means name.

    02:07 After that - say your name! So for me, I would say, "Me llamo Amber Vanderburg." Okay, let's put it all together.

    02:19 Let’s say you are going into a patient room and you want to say, "Hello! My name is Amber!" In Spanish you would say, "Hola! Me llamo Amber Vanderburg!" Language barriers can be challenging not only in providing great care and connecting but also to make sure that you understand consent.

    02:42 Here are a few phrases to aid in your clear understanding on consent from the patient.

    02:49 First consider this statement "¿Está de acuerdo con este tratamiento?" This means, (Do you agree with this treatment?) I will say it again.

    03:03 "¿Está de acuerdo con este tratamiento?" (Do you agree with this treatment?) This is a tricky one, I will say it one more time.

    03:16 "¿Está de acuerdo con este tratamiento?" this means, (Do you agree with this treatment?) Next consider this phrase, "¿Puede firmar aquí para dar su consentimiento?" (Can you sign here to give your consent?) "¿Puede" means can you, and "firmar" means sign.

    03:46 "aquí" means here, "para dar" means to give and "su consentimiento" is consent.

    03:58 So, ¿Puede firmar aquí para dar su consentimiento? These two phrases are really important to give the patient the right to decline care as requested.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Introduce Yourself and Ask for Consent in Spanish by Amber Vanderburg is from the course Spanish Phrases for the Healthcare Team.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Buenas tardes
    2. Buenos días
    3. Buenas días
    4. Buenos noches
    5. Buenos tardes
    1. “¿Puede firmar aquí para dar su consentimiento?”
    2. “¿Está de acuerdo con este tratamiento?”
    3. “El procedimiento será mañana.”
    4. “¿Por qué no quieres esta cirugía?”

    Author of lecture Introduce Yourself and Ask for Consent in Spanish

     Amber Vanderburg

    Amber Vanderburg

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