
Impression Management – Self-Presentation and Interacting With Others (PSY,SOC)

by Tarry Ahuja, PhD

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    00:00 Okay, now let’s take a look at the process by which you manage your image? So we talk about emotion and that is one way to say, this is how I am feeling and your advertising that to those around you.

    00:17 But there is other ways that you can actually present yourself.

    00:22 So it’s a two way dialogue here.

    00:25 You present yourself to others and they perceive that.

    00:28 And then you also perceive what others are projecting. Its this sort of two way communication.

    00:33 So the process by which people attempt to manage their images by influencing the perceptions of others.

    00:40 That’s when you are actually interacting with somebody.

    00:46 And you try to influence how they are feeling thinking that will influence what they think about you.

    00:52 So lets walk through it so it makes it a little more sense.

    00:55 This couple of things that you can do: First, you achieve by controlling the amount or type of information, or the social interaction.

    01:02 There is 2 different strategies that we can do this with. And the examples are start coming here.

    01:05 So first is being Assertive.

    01:09 Now this is when you act in a certain way to really set expectations.

    01:17 You want then to receive the behavior that you are acting out in order to setup their perception of you.

    01:27 We call this being assertive and you walk in the name is given “loud and proud.” Say you walk in into the room of a whole bunch of people. And you enter by the room saying, “Hi everybody, my name is Terry. How are you? How are you doing? Its really good to see you. What a beautiful day. And I am really excited to sit here and talk to you about rat morphology today. Its going to be phenomenal.

    01:47 Now, If you start that interaction like that in room with individuals who were kind of just in the first time meeting you, What do you think there perception is going to be? They are going to be, Wow, what a happy guy. He seems really enthused.

    02:01 He seems like really nice guy. He let him going to get be easy to talk to.

    02:04 We are going to have a good day today.

    02:06 Versus me walking to a room and saying, “Oh, hello how are you? Have a sit here and we’ll get started now.” And they like, “Wow, okay. A little bit cold. I don’t have a good vibe.

    02:19 I don’t not I’m really get along a lot here. And I don’t know how I feel about this individual yet.

    02:24 So by coming in being the sort of being forward and setting up the [inaudible 00:02:29,8] running behavior, Do you set up their perception of you.

    02:34 So you have allowed them to take that in and make their perception of you.

    02:41 Another one is something called Defensive.

    02:45 This include avoidance or self-handicapped.

    02:47 And this is when you come in and say either instead of ladder scenario of me kind of walking and not really acting very much.

    02:54 So you’re kind of quiet and you are not really giving them a lot to build the perception on about you.

    03:00 Or you can use something called self-handicapped and where you say.

    03:02 Say todays task, or todays interaction is to write your MCAT exam.

    03:08 But you meet some individuals outside of the testing facilities.

    03:12 some friends or people you know. And the first thing you start off your conversation with is, “Oh, men I’m so tired last night. I don’t know, I partied and got drunk with my friends.

    03:25 And who knows what’s going to happen with this exam.

    03:28 Okay, so now you have handicapped yourself. And you set the stage by saying, “Well, I might not too well on this exam. I am not necessarily the most motivated right now.

    03:39 And I’m letting you know why that is because I’m really tired, because I was up late and I was drinking.

    03:45 So now all of a sudden you as the receiver of this information.

    03:49 Your perception is well, know this guy either isn't care. He is not going to do well.

    03:53 And you set up this idea of what you are thinking about that individual.

    03:59 So two different ways to frame and set up people’s impression of yourself.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Impression Management – Self-Presentation and Interacting With Others (PSY,SOC) by Tarry Ahuja, PhD is from the course Social Interactions.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Impression management
    2. Self-presentation
    3. Presentation management
    4. Appearance management
    5. Personality presentation
    1. Maintaining a public image
    2. Having another person make the first move in an interaction
    3. Assuming the worst in people
    4. Taking a shower after exercising
    5. Enjoying an ice cream cone in the summer

    Author of lecture Impression Management – Self-Presentation and Interacting With Others (PSY,SOC)

     Tarry Ahuja, PhD

    Tarry Ahuja, PhD

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