Now that we've
looked at some of the
important root causes
of medical errors,
let's look at their impact.
The impact of medical
errors influences
not only patients but
healthcare providers.
It's important that we
consider both of these parties
when we're looking at the
impact of medical errors.
Although the saying exists,
"To err is human."
There's a report on safety
in health care that was
issued by the Institute of
Medicine publication in 1999.
This states in parts that
medical errors are inevitable,
and they can have a
disastrous effect on the patient,
a treating doctor, nurses,
the institution as well.
So medical error has a
360° sphere of influence.
It affects the individual,
the healthcare team,
the patient and their family.
It is imperative therefore to
build a safe working environment.
Ways that we can accomplish
this are, for example,
by appropriate policies
and procedures which
minimize risk and
maximize benefits to patients.
The second is the establishment
of appropriate protocols,
which can be devised by committees
or suggested by individuals.
When protocols are followed.
For example,
we've seen this with central
line infections in the
intensive care unit,
the amount of errors
decreases significantly.
And then finally,
a provision of appropriate training.
This is not only true
for our house staff,
our residents, our interns,
but continuing medical education,
even for experienced
physicians is crucial
to keep one's knowledge
base in a good status
and to avoid errors due
to lack of knowledge.
There's a report on safety and
health care that we had talked about.
And this says that virtually all
doctors have made mistakes.
And I think we all know this,
doctors, nurses,
all clinicians have been
subjected to error at some point.
Although in clinical
practice errors are common,
it is established that they
are generally under reported.
There is a tendency
when we make an error
to want to withhold that error.
And I would like to
convince you the fact that
that is not a wise choice.
It's an understandable
choice but it does
a disservice to everyone
at the end of the day.
Although it may
be difficult for an
individual to identify
a given mistake
and we may not have
made the mistake if we
had appreciated what
it was in the beginning.
Once a mistake is identified,
an individual must
face that situation,
must deal with the
consequences and must try
to learn from it and
prevent future errors.
This is particularly important
when we disclose
errors to patients.
Sometimes patients are
more willing to accept errors
if they see that
some good for other
patients may benefit
from this down the line.
As a consequence
of medical errors,
healthcare providers at all
training levels may experience
feelings of guilt,
feelings of disappointment,
fear, or a sense of inadequacy.
When we're used
to doing things well,
and we do something poorly,
it can be very devastating
to an individual.
And it's important that
we deal with this honestly
and appropriately and
with a sense of compassion.
This is especially important
when we are discussing
these issues with junior
medical staff or those who are in
training as they are a
particularly vulnerable population.
This is early on in their
experience and they may
not have the breadth
of medical interactions
which may balance
out this particular error.
There's also the sense
that they are being evaluated
and they need to
achieve a certain status
in order to pass
to the next level,
there may be a fear
of disclosure for a fear
of not being promoted
or being passed through.
Now that we've talked about
the impact on the healthcare team,
let's face the impact
on the patients.
And this may vary
depending on the
nature of the error
and of the patient.
But these effects could include
physical, psychological,
emotional, financial,
and doctor-patient
relationship facets to them.
We talk about these
different aspects of the patient,
and the doctor-patient
relationship in fact
may be compromised if
an error is not disclosed.
Strange as it may sound,
a doctor-patient
relationship may be enhanced
if an error is disclosed honestly
and with compassion and sympathy.
Furthermore, I'd like to add
that the effect on the family
and loved ones is
not to be ignored here.
This is the 360° sphere of
influence that I mentioned earlier.
The patient exists within
a given support system
and an error which
a patient experiences
extends to their
support system as well.
So how do we combat this?
Well, the practice of effective
disclosure is absolutely critical.
We have a professional
ethical obligation
to inform our patients
regarding all aspects
of their care including
medical errors.
Although this is important at
all times it becomes magnified
during the time when a
medical error has been made.
We have to remember
that it is best to do
what is best for the
patient and for their family.
It is important to try to
understand and support
the needs of the
patient and the family
in this moment as they evolve.
This can be a time of great
unrest of anxiety and our
ability to remain calm but
open in our disclosure is crucial.
If we do this, it is much more
likely that we will maintain
an atmosphere of trust
as we navigate through
this difficult situation
with the patient.
The question then stands,
how much detail should be disclosed?
And this is a
very fair question.
It's very important that we
disclose only what is known.
We do not want to speculate,
be honest, be open,
but do not make
inferences that we
do not know the
answers to at this time.
Very importantly, we do not want
to delayed speaking with the patient.
We may not have all the answers,
and that's okay.
Disclose what you know,
be honest,
be prompt,
and don't speculate beyond that.
A sense of
reassurance is important,
although I've said it's
important to be honest,
it's also important
to be compassionate,
it is possible to
do both things.
Putting yourself in the
patient or the family's position
can be helpful and
acknowledging how
difficult it must be
for them to hear this
and inviting them to
express their concerns
and ask questions
is absolutely crucial.
If we go in and we don't
give them a chance to air out
what they're experiencing,
we've only done half of our job.
And then finally to offer support,
not only in that moment,
but offering ongoing support as
this process begins to manifest itself.
Is it appropriate to apologize to
offer frank apology at this time?
Well, an apology in fact, can be
very appropriate and very appreciated.
Once again, we do not want to
enter into the realm of speculation.
But we do want to
express empathy.
What are some examples of this?
So, an expression of empathy
can be considered appropriate
often through the language
of apology, for example,
"I'm very sorry that you
have to go through this."
That shows compassion.
If there has been an error
that we have clearly identified,
then an apology can also take
the form of an example such as,
"I am very sorry that we gave
you the wrong dose of medication."
This is a very specific
apology and speaks to the issue
and also expresses our
compassion to the patient.
we want to attend to any
questions or concerns
as mentioned earlier,
giving the patient and a
family a chance to express what
they are feeling at this
time is absolutely crucial.
So what are some points to
remember about these medical errors?
Well firstly, if it's appropriate,
explain that you
or your institution is looking
into why the event occurred,
and that you will
get back to them
when you have
further information.
if there has been an error,
then it is important to express
that you and your institution
are committed to
learning from this error
and to working to
improve processes to
prevent a similar event
from happening again.
I've seen numerous
patients who take this news
as difficult as it may
be better if they feel
that others may learn
from their experience
and it may be
avoided in the future.
And then finally, we want to
be aware of our own emotions
so they do not interfere
with our ability to be
transparent and
compassionate with patients.
This is a very anxious
time not only for patients,
but for those of us
who are in the position
of having to explain
what happens.