
Immigration Status – Demographic Structure of Society (PSY, SOC)

by Tarry Ahuja, PhD

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    00:01 Now, let’s take a look at movement of race and ethnicity around the world.

    00:05 And that will be classified as immigration.

    00:07 That’s the movement of people into a country of which they are not natives in order to settle or reside there.

    00:13 So, a fans who have saying, you’re moving around from your native country to another country.

    00:18 So immigrants tend to move to more industrialized, economically sound, and politically stable countries these are some of the reasons why you move.

    00:26 As of late in the last few years, we had traumatic mass movements of people due to civil war, due to a political instability, due to terrorism.

    00:36 People have just got up and laugh, you know. The whole Syrian moment, what’s happening and loss of Europe.

    00:42 Very, very traumatic. All this stuff has been going on increase.

    00:46 And so, this movement hasbeen driven by this political instability, economic instability.

    00:52 And they tend to go to areas whether the countries quite stable, is typically industrialized, right? So North America including Canada and the U.S, there are coming into the stable parts of Europe.

    01:03 So that’s where they tend to go.

    01:06 Immigration can have both positive and negative effects for the donor and for the recipient country.

    01:12 So where you’re going to, that’s gonna have impact for them and where you’re coming from. So let’s take a look some of these points.

    01:18 So first, we can alleviate labor shortages in the recipient country.

    01:22 So if you are going to a country, they might want you there.

    01:27 They might welcome immigrants because there is a labor shortage.

    01:31 And now, they’re getting work force.

    01:33 They’re getting people that can do these jobs, that’s great.

    01:35 And then in the country that they were coming from, may be one of the reasons that they left is coz’ they couldn’t find the work.

    01:40 not that they were not skilled. They just didn’t have a place to execute their skill coz’ that country didn’t have any jobs.

    01:47 So this actually lightens the social load and that donor country.

    01:50 Because if you can’t have a job, your country in theory supposed to support you whether it’s social welfare or other support services.

    01:58 Well, they no longer need to take care of you because you’ve left and you’ve gone to another country to find a work.

    02:02 On the negative side, there’s exploitation of immigrants to optimize economic gain.

    02:06 When they go to this new country, are they being paid the same? Are they be being treated the same? Are they being marginalized? So that they can be taken advantage of so they’re getting cheap labor.

    02:16 That’s something we need to consider.

    02:18 The social support services cannot always handle “herding” or mass movement of immigrants.

    02:23 So, the example I use is what happen in Canada in a period about four to six months.

    02:29 They welcome 25,000 Syrian refugees.

    02:33 That’s a lot of people coming all at once.

    02:35 And are where they set-up to accommodate those people.

    02:38 Did they have the process, the documentation, the housing, the healthcare that’s needed to get, the proper access for these people.

    02:46 And that was the big deal. But that’s something you definitely you need to consider.

    02:50 And then, the country were there, I don’t want to say losing. But they are losing individuals that they are emigrating out of the country and moving to another country.

    02:59 They’re taking with them knowledge, skills. And that loss is then somebody else’s gain.

    03:05 And so we call that a Brain-drain or a losing potential knowledge or a brain power from the donor country and is being gained by the recipient country.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Immigration Status – Demographic Structure of Society (PSY, SOC) by Tarry Ahuja, PhD is from the course Demographic Characteristics and Processes.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Immigration
    2. Colonization
    3. Relocation
    4. Arrival
    5. Transfer
    1. It has unemployment.
    2. It has a labor shortage.
    3. It has a skill shortage.
    4. It is having new colonization.
    5. It wants to increase its population.

    Author of lecture Immigration Status – Demographic Structure of Society (PSY, SOC)

     Tarry Ahuja, PhD

    Tarry Ahuja, PhD

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