
Hypomanic Episode (Nursing)

by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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    00:00 Now hypomania as opposed to mania, it's still excessive mode.

    00:08 But it's a more measured excessive mood.

    00:13 A person who is hypomanic and remember, this is an episode and it is time-sensitive.

    00:21 This person might have the irritability, might have that elated mood, might have an expansive mood, and believe that they can do things that they can't do.

    00:33 It's very similar to your mania but it is not as severe.

    00:41 It still has some interference with the person's everyday functioning but not to the extent of the manic episode, which the person is so impaired after a week of not eating, not sleeping.

    00:59 And this excessive, it's almost like they're talking and they can't stop talking.

    01:05 So we still have to be worried for the person in a hypomanic episode about high risk activities.

    01:14 And you are looking at it, it's lasting at least 4 days, but it doesn't go a full week.

    01:23 One of the problems with hypomania because it's somewhat lower on the Richter scale, so to speak of than manic episodes is that if the person is getting things accomplished at work during this period, they may actually be getting someone who is telling them that this is a good thing, that finally they're really producing.

    01:48 And then they start wanting to having it extended.

    01:53 And that's a real problem, because this is not a normal energy boost.

    01:59 An episode of hypomania is very risky for a person and for their well-being.

    02:09 So a hypomanic episode needs 3 of the following symptoms.

    02:15 One is pressured speech.

    02:17 The other is increased goal oriented activities, as well as psychomotor agitation and distractibility.

    02:28 Remember what distractibility is, they start one thing and then move on to another thing.

    02:34 They also have this decreased need for sleep, not quite to the extent as the manic episode, but there is still a decreased need for sleep.

    02:46 And that sense of grandiosity.

    02:49 It's also important to remember that a hypomanic episode is more than four days but less than a week.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Hypomanic Episode (Nursing) by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN is from the course Mood Disorders: Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. More than four days but less than a week
    2. More than one day but less than five days
    3. Between one and two weeks
    4. Between one to two months
    1. The client has new-onset pressured speech, sleeps one to two hours less during the night, and started offering to clean other clients’ rooms.
    2. The client has always had problems focusing on one task and recently has difficulties falling asleep.
    3. The client starts offering to help the nurse with handing out lunch trays and is sleeping more than usual.
    4. The client has been more restless recently and presents with new-onset pressured speech.

    Author of lecture Hypomanic Episode (Nursing)

     Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

    Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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