
Discussion in a Family Meeting

by Mark Hughes, MD, MA

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    00:01 So, then, actually having the discussion.

    00:03 So, once you've heard from them about their understanding, try to clarify whatever initial questions they might have.

    00:11 Then, you want to confirm the medical facts.

    00:14 You want to make sure that you're delivering information in a sensitive and straightforward manner.

    00:19 You're not being blunt. You're not hitting them over the head with information but you're doing it sensitively and empathically. You want to try to avoid excessive medical detail.

    00:31 So, you do need to share information, whatever, you know, the diagnostic test results is or, you know, the outcome of a treatment, complication that might have happened, whatever the information is.

    00:43 You don't want to go into too much detail but you need to give enough so that they understand what's going on.

    00:50 And all through this, you need to demonstrate that you care for the patient, you care for the family, and you're, again, trying to do this in a sensitive manner.

    01:02 So, one of the important things, especially if it's, you know, a more serious condition, patients in the intensive care unit who are facing end-of-life decisions, you want to provide assurance explicitly, you know, that the patient's comfort will be a priority.

    01:19 That you want to make sure that they are having their symptoms managed, while there might be treatment decisions that need to be made, one of your priorities is going to be their comfort.

    01:31 It's important also, similar to when you're breaking serious news, to be an active listener.

    01:38 So, there may be a need for moments of silence. Let people process information.

    01:44 You shouldn't fill in all the gaps with, you know, healthcare team member talking.

    01:49 It should be moments of silence, letting the family and/or the patient fill in the moments of silence, you know, with what their questions or concerns might be.

    02:01 And there should be an expectation that they're going to, you know, show some emotion, especially, if it's serious news and you want to respond empathically to the emotions either expressed by the patient or the family.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Discussion in a Family Meeting by Mark Hughes, MD, MA is from the course Surrogate Decision Making and Family Meetings.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. To confirm the medical facts
    2. To deliver information in a sensitive manner
    3. To share information without giving excessive details
    4. To demonstrate that the team members care for the patient
    5. To lead a deep breathing exercise with the group

    Author of lecture Discussion in a Family Meeting

     Mark Hughes, MD, MA

    Mark Hughes, MD, MA

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