It's a spectrum of disease. So again, we talked about, you know, 90% of people with poorly
controlled type 1 diabetes, only a quarter patients with type 2 diabetes developing disease.
Pretty much everyone with diabetes will have some of these manifestations especially the
longer that the diabetes goes on. So we will see a spectrum of disease from full-blown
blindness to just some of these subtle changes that we'll see on fundoscopic exam. So early
disease is very much asymptomatic. There won't be any visual changes, we won't really
notice it, but if you look through the pupil and do a fundoscopic exam you will be able to see
some of the changes we'll see in a minute. When patients begin having symptomatology,
this is due to hypoxia. So this is inadequate perfusion of the rods and cones. And you will
begin to see flashes, the poor little rods are saying "wait, not enough oxygen, wait, not
enough nutrition" and they fire inappropriately. They reached threshold fire and you get
these little flashes of light. So, that's one. Depending on little micro areas of scarring, you
may see subtle changes in vision such as indicated here little floaters. There will be
diminished visual acuity. This is because of edema and/or hemorrhage within the vitreous
and/or the macula so that you're getting a little bit of distortion at your central focus of
best visual acuity. So things will look a little bit fussy. There may be sudden painless, usually
monocular so it's just one side, loss of vision and this is going to be retinal detachment. This
is an ophthalmologic emergency. You need to get that retina re-attached as soon as
possible to ensure that you have adequate preservation of all those nerves, connections,
rods and cones, etc. Now this is not part of the retina, this is clearly up here in the lens more
anterior, but diabetes also makes patients prone to early cataract formation. That same
hyperglycemia chronically leads to nonenzymatic glycation of the proteins in the lens and
you'll get premature clouding. Okay, again, not related to the retinal process but something
that you should be aware of in diabetic eye disease. Alright, let's look at the fundoscopic
exam. What do you expect to see? So, on the left hand side that's come up is our normal
fundoscopic exam. Over on the left hand side, we have our optic disc, that's where the optic
nerve is going out leaving the eye. And you have retinal veins or retinal arteries. We've
looked at this in a previous session. And there's a little bit of pallor in that area because
there is a lower density of small vasculature as the nerve structures are there. Kind of
midpoint all the way over in the middle is our macula, which is going to be our best area of
visual acuity and then that pit that is the fovea where we have the highest density of cones.
Okay, that's what we expect to see and we do expect to see some branches of vessels, but
not a lot of other things that are in there. Here's diabetic retinopathy. It's a higher
magnification than the one on the left. The eye isn't bigger. These are the changes that
we've been talking about. So the hard exudate at the top. That is material that's come out
protein and lipid from leaky vessels. Hemorrhage. So, newly formed vessels or vessels that
are damaged because of the diabetes will leak and have hemorrhage. We have
microaneurysms indicated there. That again because the pericytes are very susceptible to
irreversible diabetic damage and loss. And now we have dilation of the small capillaries.
Cotton wool spots are because of focal areas of ischemia and infarction. So those are the
changes, that's a pretty ugly looking retina overall. We can still see on the right hand side
our optic disc with vessels coming in and out. In the macula is there, that kind of darker area
under the microaneurysm label. It's also there but it looks a little bit fussy, it's not as well
defined. There may be some macular edema. Okay, the other changes that happen in
proliferative diabetic retinopathy are the much more prominent aneurysms, much more
prominent neovascularization again driven by the vascular endothelial growth factor. And
because we have many many more immature blood vessels that haven't yet completely
made nice circular vascular flow, we're going to get hemorrhage. So, kind of accentuation of
some of the things we saw in the nonproliferative version of the diabetic retinopathy.