
Diabetic Complications: Patient Education (Nursing)

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:01 Now we got this list here. Right? We've got risk for stroke, eye damage, cardiovascular disease and mind hypertensions, macrovascular, kidney damage, bladder.

    00:10 Can you see how this is not motivating to study? This isn't motivating for what you want to learn in nursing school.

    00:19 But keeping your eye on the prize, knowing that what we do is work with patients, see we're on the same team.

    00:27 But remember this is a big deal, this is a lot to digest.

    00:32 You think it's a lot learning about diabetes try being the person who's living with diabetes.

    00:38 There's an actual diagnosis for it.

    00:40 It's called diabetes distress.

    00:43 So a patient's inability to cope with the demands of life with diabetes.

    00:48 They enhance our self-perception, their coping skills, the discomfort, all these things are rolling together.

    00:54 So, how do we do it? How do we help a patient with this? Well, first of all recognize that it exists.

    01:01 There's diabetes distress.

    01:04 It's difficult for the patient to cope with this and all the demands.

    01:07 So, how can I help as a health care provider? Well, I can help enhance their self-perception, I can talk about it calmly, thoroughly and in with examples like we just walk through.

    01:21 I can help them identify and develop coping skills.

    01:25 I want to help them minimize any discomfort that they're feeling both physically and psychologically with all this change.

    01:32 I want to identify their external support systems and help them tap into them.

    01:36 Referrals, referrals, referrals.

    01:39 They may have support systems in their family.

    01:41 That's amazing.

    01:42 But we also have lots of other inter-professional relationships that we can utilize, therapists, social workers, case managers, these are all people with really strong resources and references that we can bring to the table to help Mr. Sanchez address his diabetes distress.

    02:01 Now we're getting real personal right, now we're talking about some personal habits and know that smoking accelerates the effects of high glucose.

    02:09 We know there's known risks of diabetes but smoking makes every one of these worse.

    02:15 High risk for stroke with diabetes, high risk for stroke with smoking, high risk for heart attack and heart disease with diabetes, high risk for heart attack and heart disease was smoking.

    02:25 Now I know you don't need me to go through all the rest of these five bullet points.

    02:30 But know that if you weren't diabetic and you smoke you have these risk factors.

    02:37 If you're diabetic and you smoke it just makes everything that much worse.

    02:41 So what you should do is make your patient feel guilty for their behaviors.

    02:44 You need to explain to them that smoking is ridiculous.

    02:48 Why are you spending that kind of money on it? Why are you doing it? It's disgusting.

    02:53 Yeah, real effective strategy, but you would be surprised how many people actually try that, no, help and think about how can you take some steps.

    03:02 What can I do? If I've smoked since I was 15 years of age and then all of a sudden you tell me to quit I'm likely not going to be able to do that.

    03:12 Remember every step toward health is progress.

    03:16 Every step no matter how small towards health is progress.

    03:23 So when you're meeting with patients like Mr. Sanchez or any of your other patients, you want to have a big game plan in mind, you want them to understand high glucose equals a higher risk of complications.

    03:37 And you want to spin it so they know any small step they can do anything they can do to move towards a healthier level and better control of their blood sugar will decrease their risk for all of the complications we've just discussed.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Diabetic Complications: Patient Education (Nursing) by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course Diabetes Type 1 and 2: Complications and Symptoms (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. A client's difficulty in coping with the lifestyle changes required to live with diabetes.
    2. Systemic inflammation and multi-organ dysfunction caused by diabetes.
    3. A period of depression that occurs when a client is first diagnosed with diabetes.
    4. A neurological effect that occurs when blood sugar levels are dangerously elevated.
    1. Cardiovascular disease
    2. Kidney disease
    3. Amputation
    4. Bladder dysfunction
    5. Stroke

    Author of lecture Diabetic Complications: Patient Education (Nursing)

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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