
Diabetes Type 2: Risk Factors and Family History (Nursing)

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:00 We've just wrapped up the main risk factors for type 1 diabetes.

    00:04 Now, we're going to shift gears and look at the risk factors for diabetes type 2.

    00:10 Now, they're divided into four categories.

    00:12 And these have been identified by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

    00:16 So the first one is family history.

    00:19 Second one, lifestyle.

    00:21 We've also got associated medical conditions or events, and race or ethnicity.

    00:27 Okay, let's not move too quickly on this.

    00:30 These are four very important categories.

    00:33 When you're meeting your clients and you're doing your assessment of them, these are things that should be taking off in your brain.

    00:40 So family history, lifestyle, associated medical conditions or events, race and ethnicity.

    00:47 I'd like you to spend some time kind of playing with this list of four here.

    00:51 Pause the video.

    00:52 Do the list backwards.

    00:53 Start in the middle.

    00:55 Do what you need to do to really take the time to make sure these four category are solid in your brain before you continue on with the rest of the video.

    01:05 So let's now start breaking these down.

    01:07 Let's talk about family history.

    01:09 If you have a family member with diabetes, you have a much higher risk for developing diabetes yourself.

    01:15 So that's why we put a picture up there for you.

    01:16 You see, you've got - thats you.

    01:18 You are going to pretend, that's what you look like for right now.

    01:21 And you notice you've got some little sugar cubes by the blood glucometer.

    01:24 That's to help you think of elevated blood sugar.

    01:28 First of four categories, family history.

    01:31 So if you have a family member with diabetes, you have a higher risk of developing diabetes.

    01:36 So it's even more important that you start looking at lifestyle factors.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Diabetes Type 2: Risk Factors and Family History (Nursing) by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course Diabetes Type 1 and 2: Introduction and Risk Factors (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Lifestyle
    2. Family history
    3. Race or ethnicity
    4. Associated medical conditions
    5. Injury to the pancreas

    Author of lecture Diabetes Type 2: Risk Factors and Family History (Nursing)

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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