00:00 It is time to prepare for your career in the healthcare industry. 00:05 There are so many opportunities for you to make an impact in this field of work. 00:11 Now comes the question. 00:14 Where do I want to make an impact in this line of work? Glassdoor research found that 77% of applicants considered culture in their applicant experience. 00:27 While that number is high, honestly, it should be higher. 00:32 Culture will directly impact your job satisfaction, job performance, and job advancement. 00:40 In this lesson, we'll learn about how to define the ideal culture you should be looking for in your job. 00:48 First, I want you to do your research. 00:52 Begin by researching yourself. 00:55 In what environment do you do your best work? I want you to write down the type of culture you desire. 01:05 What are the factors that you really want in your culture? What are the factors that you really don't want in your culture? Which factors are a preference and what is non-negotiable? Then, with this insight in mind, I want you to begin researching the different opportunities. 01:29 Research resources, such as Glassdoor, and Indeed, are really practical ways that you can gain information about organizations directly from employee insights. 01:42 You can also look at websites such as HealthGrades, Medicare.gov, or LeapFrog to get a sense of the performance of the organization, which is impacted by the culture of the organization. 01:57 You should also try to get in contact with practitioners from the specific unit or area of healthcare that you are interested in joining. 02:07 Especially, if you are researching a large organization, specific unit culture might be slightly different and so gaining insight or insight is critical. 02:21 In any case, I want you to be aware of the resources you have to research the culture of your prospective employer. 02:30 When you are doing your research, you should look at the leadership. 02:35 Now that is a really big broad word. So let's unpack this. 02:40 When examining the leadership of your ideal company, you should look to see how long the leader you should look to see how long the leader has been in that leadership position, whether at your company or elsewhere. 02:54 See their philosophy of leadership. 02:57 Are they more of a micromanager or hands off? Do they give you the resources you need to do your job? If you are in a larger healthcare system, you may look at the leadership through multiple lenses. 03:13 You could look at the entire organizational leadership, the department or floor leadership, the supervisors and the charge nurses. 03:24 The overall organizational leadership will impact you probably more in terms of policy and procedures. 03:33 For example, the policies for continuing education opportunities, paid time off, promotions, raises, and flexible working hours may all be more impacted by the organizational leadership. 03:48 However, the day to day interactions are more likely to be impacted by the supervisor and charge nurses. 03:57 I encourage you to look at their management style, retention rates, and team dynamics. 04:05 I also want you to look at the community and team dynamics of your perspective unit. 04:12 Gaining information about the team dynamics is more discovered through conversations and observations of people on the unit. 04:22 Ask about the culture on the unit. Ask about challenges. 04:26 Ask about the best part about being on the unit. 04:30 Ask about how the team and leaders give and receive feedback. 04:36 And ask about how often the team and the staff meets. 04:42 These types of questions will give you better insight into the processes, methods, projects, roles, habits, and expectations of the unit. 04:54 This will showcase the personality and culture of your perspective team. 05:00 Culture can play a major role in your success as a new health care practitioner, and should be a weighted factor as you decide your next steps in your healthcare career. 05:13 So here's what I want you to do. 05:16 I want you to write down the type of culture you desire. 05:20 What are the factors that you really want in your culture? What are the factors that you really don't want in your culture? Which factors are a preference and what is non negotiable? Then through that lens, begin your research to determine the best fit culture for you in your healthcare journey.
The lecture Defining the Culture for Your Ideal Job (Nursing) by Amber Vanderburg is from the course Transition to Nursing Practice.
What is the first step to determining an individual’s ideal work culture?
The new graduate nurse wants to get an idea of the culture of the health center to which they are considering applying. What is the most effective way for the nurse to approach this?
The nurse is communicating with the charge nurse of the unit to which the nurse is considering applying. What questions should the nurse ask to understand the unit culture? Select all that apply.
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