Hi. Welcome to our video series on neurological disorders. Now we're going to continue
following Mr. Johnson. We're looking at the nursing care of a stroke patient, but now we're
going to be in the med-surg unit. So, in this series, you had the opportunity to be an ER
nurse and ICU nurse, and now you'll see the role of a medical-surgical nurse. We're going to
transfer Mr. Johnson to the next level of care. We're going to make it a med-surg/telemetry
unit. Now, I want you to practice using the SBAR method for organizing your information to
give report about Mr. Johnson. If you've already been the ICU nurse, you should have that
ready to go. If not, we'll give you the opportunity to practice SBAR later on in the video
series. Remember, SBAR is situation, background, assessment, and recommendation. Now,
I also want you to practice receiving an abbreviated report from the ICU nurse, writing
down the information that you feel is most important. I'll help guide you to identify that after
you're done. So, write your notes about report and your downloadable notes as you listen
to report on Mr. Johnson. Okay, let's look at the healthcare provider's initial orders. Usually
you'll receive these often before you receive the patient or they may come with the patient.
Most hospitals are using electronic orders. Now, orders are written in a little bit different
language. They're not always complete sentences, but they'll have specific information to
help you know what the physician wants done or the healthcare provider wants done for
this patient. Well, first of all, you're going to see an admission order. So it will say something
like you see on the screen. Admit patient to telemetry med-surg unit for telemetry
monitoring. So we know that's why Mr. Johnson is coming here because it's the monitoring
that's important. Oxygen at 2 liters per nasal cannula. So we know that he'll have a nasal
cannula on, that's the tubing that you see with the little prongs that go in the patient's
nose, go around their ears, and we'll have it at a rate of 2 liters. Now, the patient will come
with transportable oxygen, they'll come with it on a tank and then when we get them in the
room, we'll need to take it off the portable tank, turn off the tank, and connect it to the
oxygen that's likely located in the wall. Now we're going to keep monitoring his oxygen
saturation. Remember it's only been a couple of days since Mr. Johnson had a stroke. We
want to make sure that we keep him greater than 94%. The healthcare provider took the
time to let us know "Hey monitor that sat and this is the mark, this is the target, that I
want you to maintain that sat at." If he's dropping below 94% very often, we're going to
need to really look at the next step and letting the healthcare provider know. Now, this is
where Mr. Johnson is going to get lots of therapy. We're going to meet with all kinds of
teen members, and this is where it gets really interesting because you get to work with
other professional colleagues in specialties. So he's got orders for physical therapy, speech
therapy, occupational therapy, and a registered dietitian consult. Now, these
interdepartment professionals will come to the unit to your floor, they'll meet Mr. Johnson
and they will assess him. And then they'll make some recommendations to the physician
that work together. The physician will read their recommendations and then he'll decide or
how long or how often they want each one of these therapies. So, how often Mr. Johnson
will get physical therapy, what they want from speech therapy, how often occupational
therapy will come. So, speech therapy may do an eval and decide if they need to continue
seeing the patient or not. Occupational therapy is the one that's going to help Mr. Johnson
learn how to do the activities of daily living. They really help the quality of life. Physical
therapy is going to keep them safe, as in walking and can he transfer from the bed to the
chair and can he stand up and can he walk. So, the physician might write some very specific
orders right from the beginning or he might just ask for a consult and then he'll work from
there. Now, got specific orders on when the blood pressure is going to be monitored. So here
it says "monitor blood pressure every 4 hours for the first 24 hours then every 8 hours."
The physician lets you know when she wants to be connected. Look, notify healthcare
practitioner if blood pressure is above 180/105. So, you know, this is what the goal is
because you're new and just going to be transferred to another unit. At first, the physician
wants the blood pressure every 4 hours just for the first 24. Then once we hit that 24-hour
mark, we can just take it once every 8 hours. Now, it's really important for a stroke patient
recovering and for all patients try not to interrupt their sleep. So try to get that blood
pressure right when you get on shift so you have a good feel of what's going on for the
patient and you don't disrupt their sleep if you're a night shift nurse. Okay, so we know
those parameters. Now it says "normal saline at 75 ml an hour until patient is cleared by
speech therapy to take oral fluids." This is because we don't want Mr. Johnson to get
hydrated. Right? If he is dehydrated, he's going to have less volume in his intravascular
space and we really don't want his blood pressure to get too low, we wanted to maintain a
healthy blood pressure that's going to keep perfusing his brain well. Now, discontinue the
saline if patient able to drink fluids. So, this is example of one of those orders where you're
not going to have to keep contacting the healthcare provider. What they've told you is
"Hey, once speech therapy comes and he can drink fluids, stop this IV." Because you don't
want to keep giving him extra fluids if he's able to take IV. And in the nursing world and the
NCLEX world, the goal is to keep the patient as independent as possible. So, do we want an
IV or patient drinking liquids? We would much prefer the patient be able to drink liquids like
normal. Okay, so that's a few of the orders. We've got those initial orders and what we're
going to be doing with the patient. They also would probably write specific medication
orders and etc. So we didn't include those, we just want to give you some good general
orders to get a feel for what it might look like when someone comes from an intensive care
unit to a telemetry unit.