
Cluster C: Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Characteristics (Nursing)

by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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    00:01 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

    00:04 Well, this is a personality disorder.

    00:06 It is also, obsessive compulsive also has a psychiatric disorder.

    00:12 So let's separate these two.

    00:14 This is obsessive compulsive personality disorder.

    00:18 So it's a coping mechanism as part of a personality.

    00:23 There's a rigidity because this person has learned throughout their early life that standards have to be met and they cannot be changed.

    00:34 And if that is done differently, it causes enormous anxiety.

    00:40 They will always be careful and rehearse their social responses.

    00:46 They want to make sure that what they say is what is supposed to be said, and that it is said perfectly.

    00:53 "Yes, ma'am." "No, sir." "Could you repeat that, sir?" "Dr. Marshall's telephone." It is very rigid.

    01:03 They also have this goal-seeking behavior that sometimes is pretty self-defeating because it becomes obsessive excessive.

    01:14 When you think of any of the personality disorders, none of them are within that normal curve.

    01:22 You want to think of them all as being at that obsessive area where it interferes with their activities of daily living.

    01:31 So in this case, it becomes very self-defeating to try and get into a relationship.

    01:39 Because the goals are set, and they cannot be changed.

    01:45 There is this obsession to make sure everything is exactly as it should be.

    01:52 And then there's this added compulsion, I have to do something in order to make sure that this obsessive thought is going to be completed.

    02:03 Remember, the obsession is a thought, the compulsion is a behavior.

    02:07 So they have these standards.

    02:10 And when they have these strict standards, it can't be done any other way.

    02:17 I had someone who used to write and if they went over the margin even a little bit, they would take the full page that they had handwritten.

    02:28 Just crunch it up and throw it away because it was no good anymore.

    02:33 They failed, they failed to stay within those margins.

    02:37 Also, they have this focus on perfection.

    02:40 It has to be perfect or it is no good.

    02:45 And I always like to say to people, "You never want perfect to be the enemy of good." We want to allow good to become better.

    02:58 Once we have perfect.

    03:00 Well, there's nothing better than that.

    03:04 And there's always something better, there is no perfect.

    03:07 So don't let perfect become the enemy of good.

    03:13 A lot of patients like to hear that because it takes some of the anxiety away of you mean there isn't a perfect.

    03:20 I don't have to be perfect in order to be loved.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Cluster C: Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Characteristics (Nursing) by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN is from the course Personality Disorders (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Rigidity
    2. Focus on perfection
    3. Spontaneous
    4. Lack of goal-oriented behavior
    1. The client who will not leave their room in the mornings until it is spotless; immediately changes their clothes if they spot even one wrinkle and spent 30 minutes making sure that they signed their name perfectly on a card for another client.
    2. The client who presents as disheveled and disorganized; experiences frequent intrusive thoughts and always circles around their chair three times before sitting.
    3. The client who follows a strict routine and becomes quite upset if something disrupts it; is constantly seeking staff approval, and frequently requests nursing assistance for simple tasks
    4. The client who isolates themselves from staff and other clients; is frequently observed talking to themselves and washes their hands until the skin cracks.

    Author of lecture Cluster C: Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Characteristics (Nursing)

     Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

    Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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