
Cluster A: Odd and Eccentric (Nursing)

by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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    00:01 So let's think about that Cluster A, the odd and eccentric personality disorders.

    00:09 That includes paranoid.

    00:12 It includes schizoid.

    00:15 And it also includes schizotypal.

    00:18 You might think to yourself, hmm, but a person who has schizophrenia might have paranoia, or might be somewhat schizoid.

    00:28 It's important for us to also think about the words that we use.

    00:33 We're nurses.

    00:35 These are words that are used specifically for people who are going through a very difficult emotional experience.

    00:45 To be paranoid, to have paranoia, to have a schizoid personality disorder, or to have a schizotypal personality disorder.

    00:56 Remember, this person is no longer functioning on a thriving part of that continuum of mental health. They are living in crisis.

    01:06 And so we want to make sure that we are going to be there to help them.

    01:11 If you remember our safe stamp.

    01:14 We want to keep the person safe and in safe surroundings.

    01:18 We want to make sure we're assessing what is going on, in the present moment.

    01:23 We want to focus on the individual who is in front of us.

    01:27 And we want to evaluate.

    01:29 Evaluate whether what they're doing is helping them or hurting them, and evaluate whether our interaction is therapeutic, and is moving them on that continuum back to well being.

    01:41 So the symptoms of a person who has Cluster A personality disorders.

    01:47 We might see odd or unusual behaviors from them.

    01:51 We might see them being very suspicious.

    01:54 A level of suspicious that is going to impair their social interactions with others.

    02:01 And that is really important to understand that even with you, as the nurse who they've never met before, a person with Cluster A might believe that there is part of you that has gone and found out who they are already, and that you are there to hurt them.

    02:19 You want to make sure also that you understand that people have Cluster A in their behavioral composition, the way they think, because now it's affecting their thinking.

    02:32 They may have magical thinking.

    02:34 And what is magical thinking? Magical thinking is believing that hope and wishing are real courses of action.

    02:44 For the rest of us we know to hope something happens or to wish something happens.

    02:49 That's not a course of action.

    02:50 We actually have to engage.

    02:53 For a person with Cluster A, they might have that magical thinking that just wishing something away will work.

    03:01 Unfortunately, because of the cognitive impairment that they have, it's really difficult for them to understand on a very abstract level, how we're going to help them? So you may want to be concrete with your patients who have Cluster A personality disorders.

    03:20 You want to go slowly.

    03:22 You want to take them with you, step by step so that there is a level of trust that you are building with them.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Cluster A: Odd and Eccentric (Nursing) by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN is from the course Personality Disorders (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Paranoid
    2. Schizoid
    3. Schizotypal
    4. Schizophrenia
    5. Histrionic
    1. Suspiciousness
    2. Magical thinking
    3. Superior intellect
    4. Elevated mood

    Author of lecture Cluster A: Odd and Eccentric (Nursing)

     Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

    Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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