
Central Line Blood Sampling: Post-procedure (Nursing)

by Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

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    00:04 Now using a new antiseptic pad, we're going to perform that vigorous mechanical scrub again for at least 30 seconds.

    00:11 And don't forget to allow it to fully air dry.

    00:15 Now we're going to attach a new 10 ml normal saline syringe to that needleless connector and inject all that volume through the lumen.

    00:22 So we otherwise call this 'flushing the line'.

    00:26 The reason why this is important, if you remember in previous steps, we pulled all that blood in the lumen that's just hanging out in the line and that's not what we want.

    00:35 So we want to make sure we inject all that volume and flush the line to remove it and clear out that line for our patient.

    00:42 Now we want to detach the 10 ml normal saline syringe from the needleless connector.

    00:47 And just to finish up, we're going to use that antiseptic pad, perform that vigorous scrub again for 30 seconds and allow this to dry.

    00:55 Now this is important because we're reattaching the IV infusion that may have been going to this lumen, and at that point, we can restart our IV infusion as ordered, make sure to label all those blood collection tubes.

    01:09 Place those tubes in our biohazard bag for transport and dispose all of our equipment appropriately.

    01:15 And of course, for safety when you leave the room, before you leave the room, lower that bed to the lowest position, remove your gloves, perform your hand hygiene and of course, document the procedure.

    01:31 Then I'm going to use my antiseptic pad again once I've gotten all of my labs, I'm going to use my anesthetic pad and do that scrub again.

    01:43 So we're going to make sure again, we're going to scrub this hub for at least 30 seconds and do this vigorously.

    01:50 It's really important to cut down our central line infections.

    01:53 Now once I've scrubbed, don't forget to allow it to completely air dry.

    01:58 Now this is the point where we would get a new 10 ml saline syringe.

    02:07 Don't forget I'm going to release that pressure, pry my syringe and attach this back to my needleless connector here because remember, we've just pulled a bunch of blood through that line and we want to clear this line out.

    02:24 So once I've done this, I'm going to inject the volume into the lumen.

    02:28 And once I've done this, I'm going to detach this from the needleless connector And then don't forget to swab again with a new alcohol pad.

    02:38 And we're going to perform that scrub again.

    02:43 So using that new antiseptic pad, we're scrubbing that hub, doing that 32nd scrub and again, allow it to completely air dry.

    02:52 The reason why we're going to do this is because we're going to reattach the IV infusion if that was infusing in this lumen, restart the IV infusion as ordered, make sure those blood tubes that we've got, we've labeled those correctly and place these in our biohazard bag to transport it to lab immediately.

    03:12 We can now dispose of all of our equipment appropriately, lower the bed to the lowest position, remove our gloves, perform hand hygiene and document our procedure.

    03:22 Thanks for watching, guys.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Central Line Blood Sampling: Post-procedure (Nursing) by Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN is from the course Central Line Care (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. To inject 10ml of normal saline through the port where blood was previously sampled.
    2. To infuse 1L of normal saline through the port where blood was previously sampled.
    3. To vigorously clean the sampling port by soaking it in antiseptic for 1 minute.
    4. To change the needleless connecting port to a new sterile one.
    1. Vigorously scrub the needleless connecting port with antiseptic for 30 seconds and allow it to dry.
    2. Change the needleless connecting port to a new sterile one.
    3. Obtain an order from a health care provider to restart the infusion.
    4. Prime a new infusion tubing line before connecting it to the needleless connecting port,

    Author of lecture Central Line Blood Sampling: Post-procedure (Nursing)

     Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

    Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

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