In this talk, let's discuss the circadian rhythm sleep-wake
disorders. Let's start with
a case. This is a 54-year-old woman who presents with
complaints of excessive
daytime sleepiness. The patient reports that this began a
few months ago around
the time that she changed jobs. She described severe
sleepiness during the daytime.
An Epworth Sleepiness Scale is performed and she scores an
18, which is
abnormal and indicates excessive daytime sleepiness. She
reports that she has
become more forgetful and occasionally will get lost when
she's driving.
Neurologic exam shows cognitive impairment with short-term
memory loss,
reduced attention and concentration. She denies depressive
symptoms. There is no
history of head trauma. She does not snore and has not had a
history of obstructive
sleep apnea. She says that her current job is now a 3rd
shift position. She works all
night long. She has been having difficulty with adjusting to
these new hours. So
what's the most likely diagnosis? Is this obstructive sleep
apnea? Depression?
Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder? Or shift worker sleep
disorder? Well, this is
not the description of obstructive sleep apnea. That's a
common cause of daytime
sleepiness, but this presentation is more suggestive of a
circadian rhythm disorder
and not OSA. Depression is not the most likely diagnosis.
Depression can
contribute to excessive daytime sleepiness as well as
cognitive dysfunctions,
but the patient has no associated symptoms to suggest a
major depressive or
primary depressive disorder. Delayed sleep-wake phase
disorder is also not correct.
The pattern of sleep complaint here is suggestive of
impaired sleep quality and
duration and that's really not consistent with sleep-wake
phase disorder. So this is a
typical presentation of shift worker sleep disorder.
So when we think about circadian
rhythm shift disorders, it's important to understand the
intrinsic circadian system.
This is an endogenous biologically active, 24-hour cycle
system that controls sleep.
It keeps us on a regular cycle. It's primarily regulated by
the suprachiasmatic
nucleus of the hypothalamus. And here, we see that visual
input when the eyes
open or when light hits the eyes, travels down the optic
nerve, and there is one
signal that goes right up directly to the suprachiasmatic
nucleus of the
hypothalamus. The suprachiasmatic nucleus projects to the
thalamus and then
subsequently to the brainstem to get us awake. And this is
how light promotes
wakefulness when we arise in the morning. The intrinsic
circadian system is
influenced by a number of things and helps to control sleep;
both the depth,
quality, and waking time of sleep episodes. It helps us to
maintain wakefulness
during the day and modulates many other systems through
hypothalamic and
thalamic projections. It regulates core body temperature,
cortisol secretion, and
appetite. So what are circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders?
Well, this is a group
of conditions marked by recurrent patterns of sleep
disruption. The circadian
rhythm is off in some way. What causes circadian rhythm
sleep-wake disorders?
There are both intrinsic and extrinsic causes. Intrinsic
causes include alteration of
the circadian system in some way and extrinsic causes are
from misalignment
between the individual's inner circadian rhythm and the
environment. So let's walk
through some of the types of circadian rhythm disorders.
We'll begin with delayed
sleep-wake phase disorder. Here, we're looking at the sleep
pattern of the patient
over an average week. The patient would typically get in bed
around 10 or 11 pm
and we see in this disorder a delayed onset of sleep. The
patient is unable to get to
sleep until 4 am. In addition, we see that the awakening
time is also delayed with
an awakening time of around noon and importantly the sleep
quality and duration
is preserved in sleep-wake phase disorder. So basically,
sleep is still happening and
of sufficient quality but it's much later in the night. Risk
factors for sleep-wake
phase disorder are puberty, we see changes in the circadian
rhythm and melatonin
secretion. Caffeine and nicotine use can cause this.
Irregular sleep schedules can
contribute to this. Depression can contribute to this
condition as well as ADHD.
And typically patients present with difficulty with jobs
that start in the morning.
Sleep is normal when the patient is able to arrange sleep
around their schedule and
you can think of this as the night owls. These are people
who like to go to bed later
and wake up later and that can interrupt normal, social, and
job interactions.
Now, let's talk about advanced sleep-wake phase disorder.
Here, we're looking at that
same sleep pattern over the course of the week and we see
that sleep onset is
earlier than desired. Patients are going to bed earlier than
they would like to.
Again, the awakening time is also earlier than desired and
importantly the sleep
quality and duration are preserved. So these are people that
are going to bed and
sleeping earlier than they would want. Risk factors include
older age. As we age,
our sleep time becomes earlier and earlier in the day. There
is also an autosomal
dominant familial variant as a result of missed sense
mutations that result in a
shorter circadian period. The typical presentation is a
patient who just can't stay
awake during the evening. These are our early birds. Now
let's talk about irregular
sleep-wake rhythm disorder. Here, you can see that same
typical pattern of sleep
over the course of the week and now sleep is significantly
disrupted and erratic.
There are periods of wakefulness and sleep that are not
consolidated leading to
significant fragmentation of sleep episodes over the course
of 24 hours. There is
no clear circadian rhythm, no standard sleep time or awake
time in these patients.
dysfunction of the suprachiasmatic nucleus likely plays a
critical role. The brain
doesn't know when to wake up and there is not a consistent
trigger for the brain to
wake. Risk factors include neurodegenerative disorders and
we can see this
fragmentation of a regular sleep-wake rhythm in patients
with advanced dementia.
Patients will report more than 3 bouts of sleep with each
one lasting 1-4 hours.
Now, let's talk about non-24-hour sleep-wake rhythm
disorder. So normally, the
circadian rhythm is around 24 hours and patients with this
disorder will have a
circadian sleep-wake cycle that begins greater than or less
than that 24-hour period.
And we can call this a free running disorder. So you see
here on Monday night the
patient goes to bed around 11 and that normal circadian
rhythm would have the
patient go into bed at 11 every time of the week. But here,
we see that pushed out.
So it's a progressive free running and lengthening of the
circadian rhythm in this
patient. The sleep duration is still the same and the
quality of the sleep can be
maintained but over time progressive dysfunction and
excessive daytime sleepiness
can occur. In terms of risk factors, blindness can
contribute to a loss of the normal
sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythm. Traumatic brain
injury can get the brain
out of its normal circadian rhythm and we can see
alterations in non-24-hour
circadian rhythms. And developmental delay can be associated
with non-24-hour
circadian rhythms. In general, we see insomnia at night in
these patients, difficulty
with morning arousals, increased daytime sleepiness, and at
times patients will
have sleep-wake timing that is aligned with the environment.
The environment
becomes the trigger of that circadian rhythm as opposed to
the internal brain's circadian rhythm.
Now, let's talk about shift worker sleep disorder. So this
impaired sleep cycle secondary to work shift's that are
opposite of the normal
light-dark cycle. There are a number of risk factors, and an
inverted schedule of night
shift's is a common contributor to this. Shifts greater than
16 hours can also
contribute to this condition. Patients typically present
with sleepiness during
wakefulness hours, decreased cognition, psychomotor
dysfunction may result from
the excessive daytime sleepiness, cognitive complaints are
not uncommon. Patients
may suffer errors, accidents while driving as a result of
significant sleepiness
during the day. And lastly, what's jet lag? Jet lag disorder
is difficulty in initiating
and/or maintaining sleep after travel across 2 or more time
zones, and this is
something that we all may commonly experience. It's affected
by travel conditions,
mobility, alcohol intake during the travel, and the
direction of travel is important.
We often are more likely to see jet lag being more difficult
and to adapt to it when
travelling east. Jet lag is typically transient, it's
something that happens for a couple
of days after we travel and then that normal circadian
rhythm sleep-wake cycle
pattern should return. The presentation is excessive daytime
sleepiness until there's
alignment of the patient's circadian rhythm to the
light-dark cycle in the new time
zone. And somatic symptoms, decreased appetite, constipation
can be associated with this condition.
How do we diagnose a circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder?
Well, the diagnosis is made clinically. Polysomnography or a
sleep study is not
required but can be performed particularly to rule out other
explanations. When
we diagnose one of these disorders, a sleep diary is really
helpful. It's useful as a
self-reported tool to aid in the diagnosis and understand
when the patient is going to
bed, when they tend to get to sleep, and when they wake up.
The patient is asked to
record the bedtime, wake up time, total sleep time,
estimated time that is required
to fall asleep, and the frequency of awakenings at night.
And this can help us to put
together that pattern of sleep over a typical night and
week. Actigraphy can also be
helpful. This is a movement sensor worn on a patient's
non-dominant wrist to
determine the total amount of time and the sleep efficiency.
This is useful in cases
where a sleep diary is not feasible such as patients with
neurodegenerative disorder
or stroke or other conditions that may limit the quality of
a sleep diary. Melatonin
sampling can also be performed in particularly difficult or
challenging cases. This
can provide an objective assessment of impaired circadian
rhythm. Melatonin is
the key naturally occurring substance that helps to promote
sleep. It's released by
the pineal gland around 90-100 minutes before usual bedtime.
And it is suppressed
by bright lights when we wake up and the light stimulus hits
our eyes, this
suppresses further melatonin secretion. Dim light melatonin
onset protocol can be
used to measure melatonin secretion and evaluate for
deficiency in melatonin
secretion that could contribute to a change in the circadian
rhythm. How do we
manage patients with circadian rhythm disorders? Well, it
depends on the disorder.
For delayed sleep-wake phase disorder, we talk about sleep
hygiene, minimized
light exposure during the evening to help bring that sleep
onset time earlier in the
evening. Light therapy during early morning can help promote
a consistent
wakefulness and also reset the circadian rhythm to earlier
in the night. Melatonin
can be administered early in the evening to promote earlier
sleep and advancing
bedtime each night can also be helpful where the patient
starts at his or her normal
hour of sleep and then moves it 1 hour earlier each night to
the desired onset of
sleep. Advanced sleep phase disorder. Management strategies
here include light
therapy in the afternoon or prior to bedtime, again to help
modulate and reset the
circadian rhythm. Irregular sleep-wake rhythm disorder. We
think about light
therapy in the morning to generate a consistent onset of
wakening as well as
behavioral interventions to consolidate sleep and increase
daytime social and
physical activities. For non-24-hour sleep-wake rhythm
disorder, light therapy to
have a consistent on of the brain, melatonin delivered at
night to reset that
circadian rhythm to a 24-hour period can also be helpful and
then some melatonin
agonist can be considered in selected patients. For shift
worker sleep disorder, we
think about light therapy as well as modafinil which can be
a helpful wakefulness
promoting agent taken at the time that the patient needs to
wake up and go to work.
And then for jet lag disorder, this is often self-limited
and doesn't need therapy,
but melatonin can be helpful in some patients.