Alright, so boundary violations
are what we're trying to avoid.
It's not only harmful to the patient,
it's harmful to the relationship.
And the concern would be that
it's exploitive of the patient.
So, again, if the patient is vulnerable
as a result of their illness,
a boundary violation is going to take advantage of
that vulnerability and put them in worse off shape.
Some examples for
this might happen.
So, as I said, generally we're focused
more on the patient than them sharing
information about themselves in their
life and not so much about ourselves.
So excessive self-disclosure about
you, the clinician, should be avoided.
So, it might be fine to say
who your favorite, you know,
sports team is or you know that you got a pet
or you know some general things that are,
you know, relatively neutral
but excessive self-disclosure,
talking about relationship difficulties
that you're having or other things
becomes more focused on you
rather than the patient.
And again, worrying about things
like counter transference.
When it comes to gift giving, you
know things that are excessive.
So, you don't want to have things
that become a boundary violation.
It might be fine to accept, you know, flowers or a box
of candy from a patient as an expression of gratitude,
but getting buck seats to a football game maybe
excessive and change the dynamics of the relationship.
So you have to pay attention to when you think
it's inappropriate and then actually decline.
Say "I thank you very much to nice
gesture but I can't accept the gift."
So, when we're doing a history, we obviously
are trying to learn things about the patient
to help in making a diagnosis or figure
out, you know, treatment options
but probing for inappropriate or irrelevant personal
information about the patient if it's really not,
you know, the intent towards therapy of the
patient, that can be a boundary violation.
Failing to respect the
patient's privacy.
So we do learn private
information about the patient.
We are going to have a separate
lecture on that in this series,
but the idea that you might, you know, disregard the
need to protect that privacy is a boundary violation.
So you learn this private information, you have to
keep it secret and just within the relationship.
And failing to obtain consent
for intimate examination.
So, there are, you know,
checking a pulse is one thing,
doing a gynecologic exam
on a patient is another.
So, there might be a need for having chaperones
for the more intimate parts of the examination
and really making sure you're checking in with the
patient that they're going to be okay with that.
So here are some strategies
to avoid boundary violations.
So, as I've said, you know avoid disclosing
unnecessary personal information
about yourself or sharing intimate
details about your personal life.
Give clear timely explanations of the reasons for
your taking a history and doing examination.
So it's not, you know, this inappropriate
probing of the patient in their life
but there's a reason that you are gathering
information in the history taking
or the reasons for you doing
particular part of the exam.
If you are getting
a sexual history,
make sure it's relevant to the clinical
situation and performed in a sensitive manner.
If there is going to be touching as, you know, with the
therapeutic touch or during a physical examination,
make sure that it's not
misinterpreted by the patient.
So, as I mentioned, use of chaperones is one
way to avoid that to point out to the patient
that you're not doing
anything inappropriate.
And, you know, respect the
patient's right to privacy.
So if it is going to be requiring
a physical examination,
make sure that there is appropriate draping
so you're attentive as you're doing the exam
that either using a sheet or a gown
to appropriately drape the patient.
And if the patient is
having to change into,
you know, a hospital gown that you step
out of the room to allow them to change
so they again don't feel any kind of
violation of their personal space.