
Ask an NP – What I Would Want to Know before Starting NP School

by Elizabeth Russ, FNP

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    00:00 Something I only figured out at the end of NP school that I wish I had figured out sooner was I started keeping an alphabetized notebook of all the disease processes or just anything I encountered in clinic.

    00:12 And I would write down what it was and I went by alphabet so I could find it again later.

    00:16 You know, if I'm giving them Lasix, will be under Lasix or furosemide and I would write down what my preceptor any nuance about it that I couldn't easily look up in a book, right? So if someone comes in and they have a sinus infection, you know what other information and education are they providing them, other than maybe giving them this antibiotic hack right down the antibiotic.

    00:38 I wish I had started documenting those nuanced notes that I was getting from people before because now it's just gone.

    00:46 I mean, some of it hopefully is in my head, but the rest of it it would have been great to have on paper for when I actually started practice myself.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Ask an NP – What I Would Want to Know before Starting NP School by Elizabeth Russ, FNP is from the course Ask an NP: Elizabeth Russ, FNP.

    Author of lecture Ask an NP – What I Would Want to Know before Starting NP School

     Elizabeth Russ, FNP

    Elizabeth Russ, FNP

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