
Ask an NP – Dual Certifications for Practice Options

by Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC

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    00:00 For my pediatric nurse practitioner practice, I have a primary care certification and I have an acute care certification.

    00:08 And that means that I could work in a pediatric office or I could work in the hospital.

    00:13 I've chosen to work mainly in the hospital.

    00:15 But when all of this first came about, we didn't have an acute care certification, so I went the primary care route.

    00:23 I think that that primary care experience is very valuable because it really focuses on growth and development.

    00:29 And it really allows me to expand my practice which is in the intensive care unit in the hospital.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Ask an NP – Dual Certifications for Practice Options by Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC is from the course Ask an NP: Dr. Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC.

    Author of lecture Ask an NP – Dual Certifications for Practice Options

     Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC

    Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC

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