
Ask an NP – Difference between Acute and Primary NP Role

by Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC

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    00:01 So there are different practice areas for nurse practitioners.

    00:04 Acute Care Nurse Practitioners practice mainly in the hospital or perhaps a specialty clinic that is affiliated with a hospital.

    00:11 A Primary Care Nurse Practitioner is generally going to be set up in a clinic and they are going to be doing kind of the day to day management.

    00:19 There's a little bit of overlap with what a primary care nurse practitioner and an acute care nurse practitioner can do.

    00:26 But generally primary care is to maintain health and an acute care nurse practitioner is trying to restore the health of someone who has become ill or injured.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Ask an NP – Difference between Acute and Primary NP Role by Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC is from the course Ask an NP: Dr. Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC.

    Author of lecture Ask an NP – Difference between Acute and Primary NP Role

     Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC

    Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC

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