So the most confusing
part of billing and coding
when it came to patient encounters
was I don't even like all of it.
I feel like
I had the basis of like,
I can assign you a basic E&M code
where I'm like, Okay,
this specific type of visit,
I ran into the weeds immediately
when it came to CPT
codes and modifiers.
I just did not have a clue.
I had no idea what to say
when patients asked me
how much visits were going to be.
I didn't know when they said
is this part free? What is not?
So I think one thing you can
do is meet with your biller
early on in your career and
just ask all of the questions,
"Hey, what's covered at a physical?
When is this going to start
charging this patient?
Can patients bring up concerns
that they're physical?
Or is that going to charge them?
What are some things that
you think I should know?"
Just ask the biller? They'll
probably tell you they're like,
these are the pitfalls
people fall in all the time
and ask your peers
what the codes are
for maybe the 10 most
common types of appointments
and run them by people
in the beginning.
Be like I saw this person for this.
Is this how you would bill it?
You'll get the hang of it,
but just asking for
a lot of reassurance.
And maybe like bribing
your biller with gifts
is that was my method.
This seemed to work well.