
Ask an NP – Advice for Choosing an NP Program

by Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC

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    00:01 When you're thinking about an NP program or going back to graduate school, I think it's really important to make sure that you are familiar with their program, the timeframe that they expect you to graduate.

    00:14 What are their pass rates for their certification exams? Do they have anything special in that program that you in particular might be interested in? Some programs focus on cardiovascular nursing, some programs focus on ethics, some programs focus on social justice.

    00:31 So is there a particular program that has something that you are interested in? And then additionally, it does help to have some support in the area when you're going through these really rigorous graduate programs.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Ask an NP – Advice for Choosing an NP Program by Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC is from the course Ask an NP: Dr. Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC.

    Author of lecture Ask an NP – Advice for Choosing an NP Program

     Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC

    Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC

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