
Anxiety Disorders Due to Medical Condition or Substance Use (Nursing)

by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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    00:02 Anxiety disorders due to medical condition or substance use, that could be intoxication, or it could be withdrawal.

    00:11 Intoxication is the taking end of the substance to get a level of euphoria, or it could be the withdrawal of that substance from the body can produce an anxiety disorder.

    00:25 And the signs and symptoms have to be more than what we're just seeing when a person is either using abusing misusing or withdrawing.

    00:35 So there is a certain number amount of anxiety that you are going to see in a patient who is withdrawing.

    00:45 But we want to be clear that it, for it to be a concurrent anxiety disorder, it has to be even more than what we normally would see with us misuse, abuse and withdrawal.

    01:00 And that might be with alcohol, with cannabis, with hallucinogens, with amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, the use of sedatives, or and misuse and abuse and withdrawal, hypnotics, anxiolytics.

    01:18 We can see anxiety disorders that are given birth to a by the lack of the use of or the withdrawal from the substances.

    01:32 Now medical conditions can increase a person's anxiety.

    01:37 And if we leave those conditions untreated, it can result in an ongoing anxiety disorder.

    01:47 What are some medical conditions that might provide a person with an anxiety disorder later on? How about myocardial infarction? Person has a heart attack, they never had anxiety before.

    02:02 But as they are going on, and they've been discharged, and they don't get any treatment, they start thinking, well, what if I leave the house and I have another heart attack? Oh my gosh, I will die.

    02:14 What if I eat something and I have a heart attack? Oh my goodness, I'll die.

    02:19 What if I'm driving, and they start having an increased level of anxiety to the point where it interferes with their activities of daily living.

    02:32 Another cardiac condition that can cause anxiety is congestive heart failure.

    02:37 Patients who add two pounds and they get in the scale in the morning, and their doctor has told them hey, if you see a quick increase in your weight, chances are you're taking on water and it might affect your breathing and your heart.

    02:52 The patient gets on, they don't think about the fact that perhaps it's just that time of the month or its water weight.

    03:01 And they start thinking and becoming obsessed with the fact that this CHF might kill them.

    03:08 This is a stress that increases to the level of severe.

    03:14 And once you're getting to the level of severe, it is going to interfere with your activities of daily living.

    03:21 We also have endocrine disorders that can increase anxiety, a person with diabetes who has hypoglycemia, they're afraid of suddenly having a drop in the blood sugar and become completely anxious about their blood sugar what is their level or perhaps a thyroid condition? Again, thyroid condition in and of itself can make the person have feelings of anxiety.

    03:50 If left untreated, this thyroid condition can appear to be an anxiety disorder.

    03:59 We always have to be looking at the patient and finding out what the patient has as comorbid medical problems so that we're able to eliminate those medical problems.

    04:14 But if the person becomes focused on the medical problem and anxious about the medical problem, the person may develop an anxiety disorder.

    04:25 We can think about respiratory conditions again, that can lead to anxiety disorders like asthma, or COPD.

    04:35 And then there are neurological conditions.

    04:38 A person who may have a seizure disorder who is always worried about whether or not the seizure disorder is about to occur or not occur.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Anxiety Disorders Due to Medical Condition or Substance Use (Nursing) by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN is from the course Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders: GAD, Phobias, OCD, PTSD (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Alcohol
    2. Cannabis
    3. Sedatives
    4. Amphetamines
    5. Cocaine
    1. Obsessions
    2. Compulsions
    3. Auditory hallucinations
    4. Delusions

    Author of lecture Anxiety Disorders Due to Medical Condition or Substance Use (Nursing)

     Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

    Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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