
Antipsychotic-related Movement Disorders (Nursing)

by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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    00:00 When you think about these extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS), these are disorders that come because the person is taking antipsychotic medications.

    00:14 You have tardive dyskinesia as well.

    00:18 And so when we're thinking about them, we have this dystonia, which are spasms and contractions.

    00:25 So you might see like people are talking to you, and all of a sudden, you see that they have some sort of spasm or contraction, and they don't have control over them.

    00:37 These are Automatic Involuntary Movements, A-I-M-S (AIMS).

    00:45 Akathisia or is restlessness and constant movement.

    00:49 So one time, one of my patients explained to me that it felt like someone had taken a helium balloon and release the helium inside of his body.

    01:01 And so it was like, it was a constantly feeling of movement inside of their body.

    01:10 They may have a parkinsonism- rigidity in the way they move, or they may have that shuffling gait.

    01:18 They may have Bradykinesia, or movements that are exceptionally slow.

    01:24 And you kind of think that they're walking through water, the way they're moving.

    01:29 And it's not that they're doing it on purpose.

    01:32 These are Automatic Involuntary Movements (AIMS), keep it in your mind, you're not doing it on purpose.

    01:43 Tremors, and sometimes you'll see it in the hands.

    01:47 Sometimes you might see it in the whole arm, you might see it in the leg.

    01:53 Sometimes you'll see it just in their jaw.

    01:59 But you have to be watching your patients in order to be able to see some of these symptoms.

    02:05 And then there's the tardive dyskinesia, the different types of movements that again, automatic and involuntary.

    02:20 So these are uncontrollable irregular movements in my head affect the tongue or the face or the upper bodies.

    02:28 It might be the hands, the arms or the legs.

    02:31 And when we see tardive dyskinesia, it's already very late, we've missed the smaller symptoms, because remember, tardive dyskinesia can't be reversed.

    02:44 They might have unintentional blinking, or like I was just showing you these tongue movements, like they're talking to you.

    02:56 And then all of a sudden, they protrude a tongue.

    02:59 It's not what they want to be doing, or they're talking to you and their eyes are blinking uncontrollably.

    03:06 They also might have some difficulty speaking.

    03:09 Now, if you consider the fact that already from the disease that they have, and the impact that disease has on their thoughts.

    03:19 They're now having a body muscle impairment, that is furthering this inability to communicate with speech.

    03:30 They also might not be able to understand the speech that they're hearing.

    03:35 Of course, if they have tremors, and if they're having difficulty in movement, the idea of reading or writing becomes very, very difficult for them.

    03:48 And think about eating, think about lifting a hot cup of coffee if your hands shake.

    03:56 Think about trying to go out to dinner and cut some steak if you're unable to coordinate your movements.

    04:04 Think about putting food in your mouth if you don't have control over where your tongue is going to go.

    04:13 Putting food in your mouth and suddenly digging your tongue out.

    04:19 It's really, tardive dyskinesia is really, it makes such a negative impact on a human beings life.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Antipsychotic-related Movement Disorders (Nursing) by Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN is from the course Schizophrenia (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Dystonia
    2. Bradykinesia
    3. Akathisia
    4. Parkinsonism
    1. Tardive dyskinesia
    2. Bradykinesia
    3. Akathisia
    4. Tremors
    1. It has a late-onset.
    2. It is involuntary.
    3. It is reversible.
    4. It affects one's ability to speak but not the ability to understand speech.

    Author of lecture Antipsychotic-related Movement Disorders (Nursing)

     Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

    Brenda Marshall, EdD, MSN, RN

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