
Anaphylactic Shock: Introduction (Nursing)

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:01 Hi, I'm Professor Lawes. And in this video series, we're going to take a closer look at anaphylactic shock.

    00:08 Now anaphylactic shock is one of the five major categories that we look at in this series.

    00:13 We also have cardiogenic, hypovolemic, septic, and neurogenic.

    00:19 Remember, that the term shock means that my body is not getting enough oxygen delivered to the tissues to meet my metabolic needs.

    00:27 So the word in front of shock is what has caused that.

    00:30 That's the underlying cause of why my tissues are not getting enough oxygen.

    00:36 So let's look at how anaphylactic shock is a little different.

    00:39 Anytime you're in shock, that's a life threatening experience.

    00:43 Anaphylactic shock is a life threatening allergic reaction to whatever is your trigger.

    00:49 Now, there's some pretty common ones.

    00:51 But let's talk about what the etiology is of anaphylactic shock.

    00:55 It's a Type I hypersensitivity reaction.

    00:58 Now, I cannot underscore that word hypersensitivity reaction enough.

    01:03 If you're ending up in anaphylactic shock, this is a really big deal. It's an abnormal immune response and it's triggered by your exposure to the specific antigens that freak out your body.

    01:14 We call these allergens. So it's different for everyone.

    01:18 Not everyone has allergies, but those who do who have this hypersensitivity reaction, it can lead to something that's life threatening.

    01:27 Now, common allergens or triggers could be food.

    01:30 Shellfish is a big one.

    01:32 Certain drugs can cause an anaphylactic reaction, or even the venom of other critters.

    01:37 So keep in mind, allergens can be anything that a person has a response to.

    01:43 You may even have even noticed with small children.

    01:46 You've seen an increase in peanut allergies.

    01:49 That's also another example of a food allergy.

    01:51 That's a Type I hypersensitivity reaction.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Anaphylactic Shock: Introduction (Nursing) by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course Shock (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. It is a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction
    2. It is triggered by specific antibodies known as allergens
    3. It is a normal immune response
    4. It is caused by food or drugs only

    Author of lecture Anaphylactic Shock: Introduction (Nursing)

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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