
Aggression – Social Behavior (PSY)

by Tarry Ahuja, PhD

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    00:00 Let’s get into Aggression.

    00:04 Social behavior for we going to start talk about love and attraction.

    00:08 We’re going to have to move on the opposite which would be aggression.

    00:10 There is three types of factors that can really help further support aggressive behavior.

    00:16 Now, one might seem odd when we are talking about genetic predisposition.

    00:20 And what we’re referring to here is more along the lines of personality traits.

    00:25 and not that there’s a gene that makes you angry.

    00:28 We are referring to the fact that if within your family, your parents and other those out related to show a sense of aggressive behavior.

    00:38 And that’s their personality type.

    00:40 There is evidence to show that, that type of genetic predisposition has passed on.

    00:46 So that you are more likely to be of aggressive tendencies if that’s what runs in your family.

    00:51 So again, I’m not saying that’s the gene that makes you crazy and angry.

    00:54 I’m just saying that, if your parents are kind of mindset chances are you’re going to have that predisposition.

    01:00 Now, there is also Neurals.

    01:02 We know that certain brain regions associated with facilitating and inhibiting aggression.

    01:06 And the area of interest here that you should know for the MCAT would be the frontal lobe.

    01:11 So we know the frontal lobe helps mitigate in man which some of that behavior, some of that aggression.

    01:15 And so if you ever see deficiencies in that or there is damage, we can see that there’s increase in aggression.

    01:22 We also know biochemically, there’s different things that you could consumed that will impact certain transmitters in your brain which will lead to aggression.

    01:31 So we know things like alcohol for example. Actually disinhibits.

    01:35 And disinhibits some of the breaks that I like to, the analogy that uses the gas and the breaks.

    01:40 and that typically, we have the breaks on the areas of aggression.

    01:45 And so the average, normal person is not acting aggressively and violently.

    01:51 But then when you started drinking alcohol, we know disinhibits and pulls the breaks off and makes a little bit easier to become aggressive or show aggression.

    02:02 Now, the Frustration-aggression principles, pretty straightforward.

    02:05 And it states that’s really three points in this process. And one is that you start by being frustrated.

    02:10 That can lead to anger which eventually leads to aggression.

    02:14 So you see the transition of being frustrated about something.

    02:17 You get angry and then get really aggressive.

    02:19 And you know that the analogies or the situations that come into mind or a lot of times says sporting events.

    02:26 And you are at the match watching your favorite team.

    02:30 And you’re really frustrated about your play.

    02:31 Now, the reps on your side. And there’s been a lot of bad calls.

    02:35 The team is not playing. Extremely frustrated.

    02:37 Now, you layered under the fact that now they’re loosing. You getting quiet upset.

    02:41 You’re very angry because your team lose and is now under the playoffs.

    02:45 And all of the sudden, as you leaving the stadium, those fans of the opposing team might be chirping in your face.

    02:52 And now you’re primed. And so you’ve already gone on that process that you have your frustration, that you’re angry.

    02:57 That making that leap to aggression becomes much easier.

    03:00 If you’re already in that state of anger.

    03:02 Now, if you layer on the top of this while this supporting events have alcohol in the mix which I said to this inhibitor and make even easier to get aggress.

    03:10 Which I get a lot of time at these riots and thing go array.

    03:15 Now, let’s define some other primers on aggression. What is that word that we are talking about? Well, this is a behavior that is forceful, hostile, or attacking.

    03:25 And it’s not a dirty looks. To think sometimes, we have a different movie playing on our minds.

    03:30 Saying, oh I give her dirty looks, she knows that you know, I’m very upset.

    03:33 Or even the receiver that might say that dirty look, you’ve been very aggressive to me right now.

    03:36 So, it’s not to say, that’s not aggressive but we’re looking at something it’s a little bit more forceful or hostile.

    03:44 It’s considered something that is intended to cause harm or promote social dominance within a group.

    03:49 And in the past, it was used as a way to sort of dominate the situation in terms of getting a land or protecting your family.

    04:00 You’re keeping your dwelling like your cave or protecting your village.

    04:03 Now, things have sort of change. We really don’t have this scenario happening to us as often.

    04:09 And so we can have the situations like the workplace environment where you’re trying to instead protect your cave, you’re trying to protect your stands.

    04:17 And you might disagree with somebody’s point of view.

    04:20 and that can escalate into frustration, anger and aggression.

    04:23 Sport were you know part of the aspects of sport are aggression in fighting things like boxing, hockey, football.

    04:31 Again, things can escalate quite quickly and that’s almost part of the package of sport.

    04:36 And then we have war which really hangs a lot of unfortunate is on aggression.

    04:40 You try your negotiations and your peacekeeping but that can quickly turn into actual acts of war which will be aggression.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Aggression – Social Behavior (PSY) by Tarry Ahuja, PhD is from the course Social Interactions.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Any form of behavior that is intended to harm another person, oneself, or an object.
    2. Hostile behavior that is intended to harm another person, oneself, or an object.
    3. Frustrating behavior that is intended to harm another person, oneself, or an object.
    4. Frustrating and hostile behavior that is intended to harm another person, oneself, or an object.
    5. The blocking of goal-directed behavior that is intended to harm another person, oneself, or an object.
    1. Frustration is the blocking of goal-directed behavior that tends to generate aggressive behavior.
    2. Redirection of aggression is to target a source other than the original source of frustration.
    3. Frustration produces aggressive and anger responses when blocking of goal attainment is intentional.
    4. Frustration and anger arise from a gap between aspirations/expectations and goal attainments.
    5. Anger is triggered by frustration, the goal of which is to cause injury or death to the victim, and is often impulsive and irrational.

    Author of lecture Aggression – Social Behavior (PSY)

     Tarry Ahuja, PhD

    Tarry Ahuja, PhD

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