Welcome to our video
series on the gallbladder.
Now I love a good mystery,
which is why I labeled this one,
the case of a missing stone
or a acalculous cholecystitis.
Come on your this is going to
be more fun than you think.
So, let's talk about a
acalculous cholecystitis.
It's an inflammatory
disease of the gallbladder
without evidence of a gallstone.
So take a look at
that gallbladder.
That's what we call angry.
That's when you see skin that
looks Is red and inflamed,
you call it angry,
same thing with
this gall bladder.
That's a pretty angry
looking gallbladder,
but there's no stones in there.
So how can this be?
How can a patient have
cholecystitis without a stone
in the hepatobiliary duct
because we've spent big
parts of this video series
talking about look
the liver is up there,
the stomach is connected
to the small intestine,
if you have a stone that
comes out of the gallbladder
and have blocks up the duct,
then we understand why
it causes problems.
But in a calculus,
there's no stone a means
without calculus is stone.
So how can we have cholecystitis
without a stone in the
hepatobiliary duct.
Well, I'll tell you how, that's why
you're watching this video today.
See the gallstones maybe microscopic
and just simply too small
for us to see them on
a routine ultrasound
the patient may have pretty
significant inflammation
due to some chiral or
functional disorders.
It's also associated with
prolonged fasting and immobility.
Now who does that sound like,
who has prolonged
fasting and immobility?
Usually pretty sick people
but can also go along with
prolonged parenteral nutrition
and even diabetes.
So patients who are at greater
risk to develop cholecystitis,
even without a stone
people are in prolonged fasting,
people who are immobile,
people aren't parenteral
nutrition instead of eating food
and patients with diabetes.
So this is where those of you
who really like ICU are going
to become more interested.
Because critically ill patients
are at the highest risk
for a acalculous cholecystitis.
Now, why is that?
Well look up there in the
things we just talked about
that'll give you
a beginning idea.
How often to patients who are
critically ill get to eat food.
Yeah not very long.
And so the prolonged fasting
may not be their idea.
Immobility, now that makes
sense with people who are ill,
we turn them every two
hours, we prop them
but they're not actually doing the
normal activities of daily life.
So whether you're an ICU junkie,
or you want to do great
medical surgical care,
you're both going
to run into patients
that are immobile and have
to do prolonged fasting.
So why this critically ill
patient would It increased risk
for a acalculous cholecystitis
is what we're
talking about next.
You see the angry gallbladder.
That's just to give
you that visual
to picture the
inflammation that occurs.
We've laid the groundwork and
I already got you thinking
about why critically
ill patients are
at an increased risk
for this inflammation
or a acalculous cholecystitis,
but see critically ill people
don't have the same stimulus
for their gallbladder
contract like you and I do
if I eat lunch,
when food hits my mouth,
my esophagus, my stomach,
and then my duodenum
cholecystokinin is
released and its job is to
stimulate the gallbladder to
contract and push more bile
into that hepatobiliary system.
Not so for those that
are critically ill.
Patients may also be on
long-term parenteral nutrition,
which is not going to give
that same type of stimulus
as if I ate a breakfast
or lunch or dinner.
So that's one of the Is
why the critically ill
are at an increased
risk for cholecystitis
without an actual stone.
Let's look at increased
bile concentration, well,
Isn't that the gallbladders
job to store bile
and to concentrate it?
Yeah, it is up to a point.
But if bile gets stuck
there for too long,
it can become over
concentrated and really caustic
which is going to cause
a lot more inflammation
or cholecystitis.
See bile that remains
in the gallbladder
for an extended period of
time is more concentrated.
That's the first point
I want you to remember.
Now keep in mind if
someone is really ill,
they might also have further
increase about concentration
because they've had a fever
or they're dehydrated.
So the longer gall bladder
is full of that bile,
It's going to keep concentrating it
concentrating it and concentrating it.
Without the stimulation of food,
It's going to hang out there longer
than its originally intended.
So it's going to be there for
an extended period of time.
In addition a critically
ill patient may have fever
or dehydration that further
concentrates that bile.
The more concentrated that bile
is the more caustic it can become
to hepatobiliary system.
So this can be a bit of
a difficult diagnosis,
but seeing this is the
exciting part about studying
when you're putting in all
that hard work by yourself.
This is one of the examples
of when it will we'll pay off
because you see patients in
critical care extremely ill
and they may not be
able to communicate
their symptoms to the
healthcare team or to you.
That's where the study payoff is
because you studied and you've
learned about these diseases,
you know, the risks for
patients who are immobile
and not eating normally,
you're on the lookout for this and
you're going to recognize it early.
So make sure you're watching
for abdominal distention
or maybe an unexplained fever.
Patient seems to be
somewhat uncomfortable.
This could be developing
a acalculous cholecystitis.
You're going to
recognize it early
because you've done
the work of studying
and learning about
this possibility.
Because what if you don't study?
What if you don't recognize
this difficult diagnosis?
if a acalculous cholecystitis
isn't recognized and treated the
disease can progress fairly rapidly
maybe within hours or days,
to gallbladder that it's
gangrenous and even perforates.
So you might be
saying wait a minute.
Isn't that the physicians
job to diagnose?
No, we're a team.
It's my job as a health care
professional and a nurse
who's at the bedside to be
on the lookout for changes
in my patient the way they
appear, the way they move,
the way they interact.
So I recognize the
early warning signs
so I can communicate
to the healthcare team
that we might need plan of
care for a different treatment.
So if it does
perforate what happens?
Well perforation can lead to
peritonitis, infecting abdominal,
which can lead to
sepsis and shocked.
If this happens if, we miss it,
and the patient
progresses to this,
the mortality rate
approaches 65 percent.
Okay, so when it's hard to study
when you feel isolated
and it's work,
I want you to remember you are
studying not to pass an exam,
but you're studying
to keep a patient safe
and to make a difference
that wouldn't happen
unless you were there and you
were bringing your A-game.