
Responsibility Assignment Matrix

by 365 Careers

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    00:02 Our last step is to define the roles and the responsibilities of all project team members.

    00:09 Having an easy to follow list of everyone involved in the project and their responsibilities is incredibly useful and will make the project run much more smoothly. I will now show you two fantastic tools used for documenting roles and responsibilities.

    00:25 The first one is a simple list like this one.

    00:32 Easy enough, right? Each person has a clear set of tasks so everyone can see who is responsible for what. The second tool is called an RACI matrix.

    00:44 It is slightly more complex, but it's easier to see who is involved with a particular task. According to The Matrix, there are four roles for each task R, A, C, and I.

    00:58 The first is responsible.

    01:00 The person who is directly responsible for doing the work.

    01:05 Second is accountable the person responsible for meeting the overall goal of the activity with the project manager being accountable for most things.

    01:15 Third, we have consulted the person who provides information, expertise or support for an activity.

    01:23 The fourth is informed.

    01:26 The person who needs to be informed on the progress of an activity such as the project sponsor who must be kept up to date with the project health.

    01:33 Each tool has its benefits, the first being a high level look, which is very practical and quick to create.

    01:39 It is people orientated and shows who does what.

    01:44 The RACI, on the other hand, is perhaps a more formal document, but it highlights the tasks and shows much more information about who is involved in a particular activity or workstream.

    01:55 As always, the project manager must pick the method that best suits their project type of tasks and people involved.

    02:03 It could be one or the other, or a mixture of the two.

    02:07 Now there is just one more thing that can affect the trio of constraints quality checks.

    02:14 Whatever the goal of the project, it must reach quality standards.

    02:18 So we're going to look in the next lesson at how the project manager will define these standards and how they're kept throughout the project.

    02:27 I'll see you there.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Responsibility Assignment Matrix by 365 Careers is from the course Project Phase: Planning (EN).

    Author of lecture Responsibility Assignment Matrix

     365 Careers

    365 Careers

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