
Project Lifecycles

by 365 Careers

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    00:05 By now, you should be feeling confident about the project lifecycle.

    00:10 Each project begins with initiation, moves on to planning, then execution with the monitoring and control phase being performed simultaneously.

    00:18 And it finishes up with the closure phase.

    00:21 Does that mean that all projects go through these phases? Well, yes.

    00:26 But do they always have these exact names? That would be a no.

    00:31 Projects are unique in their nature.

    00:33 You remember that, right? So while the logical flow outlined here fits every project, how you label these phases depends on the specific project you are working on.

    00:44 Often the planning, especially the execution phase, is broken down in different stages according to the project.

    00:51 Specificity. Let's look at a project for the development of a brand new product. Remember our Bluetooth? yoyo. Let's use that.

    01:01 The full phases in this kind of project which use the labels definition, design, development and then deployment.

    01:09 Let's look at these in more detail and see why this framework is the best fit here instead of the one we are already familiar with.

    01:18 This is what you need to do for a Bluetooth yoyo product.

    01:21 First, define the product and what it needs to achieve.

    01:25 In other words, you define the goal.

    01:28 For our yo yos.

    01:29 We want to develop a product that appeals to young people combining a popular toy and useful device to create a new trend, giving young people an extra level of creativity. Then comes design.

    01:43 How will we make this product? What will its features be? For example, it needs to be visually appealing.

    01:50 It also needs to be a well functioning yoyo and speaker simultaneously, as well as customizable, durable, and having a good battery life.

    02:00 What are we deciding on here? That's right here.

    02:03 We're talking about scope.

    02:07 Then comes developing and building a prototype.

    02:10 And once we've built a working yoyo speaker, gained the funding we need and proved there's a strong need for the product, then we can deploy it, or in other words, put it to mass production.

    02:21 This is our execution phase.

    02:25 So while, ah, your project still has its own personal life cycle, its phases can always be linked to a phase in our theoretical framework.

    02:34 This is what stays constant for any project.

    02:36 Makes sense, doesn't it? Just to make this crystal clear, consider another type of project, a process improvement project, which uses a specific type of framework.

    02:48 This time the project starts with an as-is analysis.

    02:53 This is where you identify an issue as it is.

    02:57 Then you move on to the To Be development where you decide what the solution is going to be and finally, implementation where you implement the solution.

    03:11 For example, your yoyos sales have dropped significantly.

    03:16 You research why and discovered that the issue is that the thread keeps breaking.

    03:22 Then you identify solutions.

    03:24 Swapping the current material you're using with a more durable one is one way to handle this. You could also offer free replacements for yoyos already bought and a one year warranty for any devices sold from now on.

    03:38 That should fix the problem.

    03:40 So you implement it immediately.

    03:43 If you're struggling to see what each phase is about, there are a few guiding questions you can ask yourself.

    03:51 Is this phase one where I'm planning timelines.

    03:55 Am I planning what the scope should look like and what are the quality standards? Am I delivering part of the scope already? Now this last question covers the as is phase we just looked at.

    04:07 At a glance you would think it's a planning phase when really it's execution because this is work that has already been planned and is intended to deliver part of the scope.

    04:19 Wait a second. Looking at this diagram, you may be wondering about the initiation and closure phases because we haven't mentioned them in this lesson at all.

    04:28 Well, these phases always exist.

    04:31 And a good project manager will know what initiation involves and how to close a project in a professional manner.

    04:38 Everything we discussed previously in the course is universal for every project.

    04:43 Now you should already know that projects are just slightly depending on the kind of problem they are designed to solve.

    04:49 So we could ask the following question Can projects have stages which combine execution and planning activities? The answer is a resounding yes.

    05:01 However, this must be done carefully and with great consideration.

    05:06 It's something that can be done with some projects, with great success, but definitely not all of them.

    05:12 So in the next lesson, we're going to have a look at this type of framework which is called Agile.

    05:19 Thanks and see you there.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Project Lifecycles by 365 Careers is from the course Agile Project Management (EN).

    Author of lecture Project Lifecycles

     365 Careers

    365 Careers

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