Superficial Back Muscles – Back Muscles by Craig Canby, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Superficial Back Muscles – Back Muscles by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Abdominal Wall with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Latissimus dorsi
  2. Trapezius
  3. Rhomboid major
  4. Rhomboid minor
  5. Levator scapulae
  1. Deep
  2. Superficial
  3. Intermediate
  4. Lateral
  5. Medial
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6
  5. 7
  1. Latissimus dorsi
  2. Erector spinae
  3. Rhomboid major
  4. Rhomboid minor
  5. Levator scapulae
  1. Latissimus dorsi
  2. Splenius cervicis
  3. Supraspinatus
  4. Levator scapulae
  5. Quadratus lumborum
  1. Accessory nerve
  2. Axillary nerve
  3. Spinal nerves
  4. Dorsal scapular nerve
  5. Glossopharyngeal nerve
  1. Elevate the scapula.
  2. Elevate the arm.
  3. Elevate the head.
  4. Depress the scapula.
  5. Depress the arm.
  1. Dorsal scapular nerve
  2. Accessory nerve
  3. Axillary nerve
  4. Spinal nerves
  5. Sixth and seventh cranial nerves

Author of lecture Superficial Back Muscles – Back Muscles

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

Customer reviews

4,3 of 5 stars
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By Gabriela Sofia O. on 22. September 2021 for Superficial Back Muscles – Back Muscles

Easy to understand and to take notes, even for a non native English talker

Great lectures
By Baban A. on 17. May 2020 for Superficial Back Muscles – Back Muscles

Excellent lectures from the best professional. Thanks a lot for your great help in learning so difficult topics

The professor speaks in a voice that makes me fall asleep.
By Marián B. on 20. January 2019 for Superficial Back Muscles – Back Muscles

Please, stop speaking in such a monotone way. It gets people bored.

By Mariana E. on 17. September 2018 for Superficial Back Muscles – Back Muscles

This lecture is easy to memorize and understand, also it has accurate and clear information.

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