Kidneys: Segments and Blood Supply – Kidneys and Suprarenal Glands by James Pickering, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Kidneys: Segments and Blood Supply – Kidneys and Suprarenal Glands by James Pickering, PhD is from the course Abdomen [Archive].

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Cortex and pyramids
  2. Major calyx
  3. Minor calyx
  4. Renal cortex
  5. Renal column
  1. Ureters
  2. Renal arteries and veins
  3. Fat
  4. Major calyces
  5. Nerves

Author of lecture Kidneys: Segments and Blood Supply – Kidneys and Suprarenal Glands

 James Pickering, PhD

James Pickering, PhD

Customer reviews

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Great lecture! but there is small mistake in the quiz at the end.
By katelin S. on 03. November 2018 for Kidneys: Segments and Blood Supply – Kidneys and Suprarenal Glands

The lecture is great, really informative, loved it. The quiz has one of the questions as, what structure is NOT located within the sinus and the answer is given as ureter when the answer should be the calyx. As the ureter passes through the hilum and out the sinus, but the calyx does not exit the kidney.

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