Surface Anatomy of the Abdominal Wall – Overview by Craig Canby, PhD

About the Lecture

The lecture Surface Anatomy of the Abdominal Wall – Overview by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Abdominal Wall with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Appendix
  2. Stomach
  3. Pancreas
  4. Liver
  5. Sigmoid colon
  1. LUQ
  2. RUQ
  3. RLQ
  4. LLQ
  1. Subcostal and intertubercular
  2. Right midclavicular and left midclavicular
  3. Subcostal and umbilical
  4. Right midclavicular and subcostal
  5. Left midclavicular and subcostal
  1. Hypogastrium
  2. Inguinal
  3. Right hypochondrium
  4. Left hypochondrium
  5. Epigastrium
  1. Epigastrium
  2. Umbilical region
  3. Right hypochondrium
  4. Left hypochondrium
  5. Hypogastrium

Author of lecture Surface Anatomy of the Abdominal Wall – Overview

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

Customer reviews

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very well summaraized, and explained, the doctor did very well
By Edgar B. on 06. February 2019 for Surface Anatomy of the Abdominal Wall – Overview

i did very like how it was explained the anatomy, i enjoyed every single bit of the conference

Quiz Overview