
Medical Experience

by Kevin Ahern, PhD

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    00:01 Another point that students know lot a about is "Medical Experience." But here's one where I find that they trip up but I want you to listen what I have to tell you here.

    00:12 The pathway to medical school is going to go a lot faster than you think it's going to.

    00:17 You maybe a student starting out your freshman year.

    00:21 And you see by the end you're going to a private medical school.

    00:26 That's what most incoming students aspire to do.

    00:29 And that's perfectly fine.

    00:30 I'll say a little bit about that later.

    00:32 That's perfectly fine to do.

    00:33 But there are somethings that will happen along the way that's going to interfere with your ability to get the medical experience that's necessary.

    00:42 What students do with this is that they don't realize how fast that clock is ticking.

    00:47 They don't realize or think about the fact that the application process takes a full year.

    00:53 You apply a year before you expect to start the school.

    00:57 So let's imagine that you are interested in applying to medical school so that you start medical school the fall term after you graduate in the spring of your senior year.

    01:07 That would mean that you're applying to medical school in the summer of your junior year.

    01:13 That means that any medical experience that you need to get, will have to be obtained before that point.

    01:20 All the medical experience that you're getting in your senior year is not going to go in your application.

    01:25 Now if you are a person who said in your personal statement, that I wanted to go to medical school ever since I was 12.

    01:32 And you get to that application point and you got a few weeks of medical experience with a physician, You going to cause some questions in the minds of the people who were evaluating you.

    01:43 You need to get that experience early.

    01:45 So I tell students like you.

    01:47 You need to be thinking about this from the minute you start your path to medical school.

    01:53 And people start their path at different places.

    01:55 There are people who start with experience in high school.

    01:58 I won't say it's most valuable experience but it doesn't hurt to start soon.

    02:03 And what kind of experience do you look for.

    02:05 The kind of experience that is the most meaningful and the most important is that which we call "Shadowing." One on one with a physician.

    02:14 And that's very difficult to obtain sometimes.

    02:17 Because it's increasingly difficult for students to work in hospitals because of the issues of malpractice.

    02:26 It means you will need to be persistent and you need to look long and hard to find a physician who was willing to let you work with him one on one.

    02:35 It's a path that is difficult and it takes planning.

    02:39 So if you wait until you're junior year, to get that experience, that's kind a dangerous.

    02:44 You may not get enough and you may have a hard time finding what you're after.

    02:48 The reason that one on one experience is so important, is in your application to medical school, a physician's letter, testifying to their perspective of you as a future doctor is going to be the most important letter that's in that application.

    03:02 Now I get to see all the letters of the students, or my students that apply.

    03:07 They come from the physicians and other references and stuff like that.

    03:10 So I know what's in those.

    03:11 And I can tell you that the strongest letters come from the students who have worked with a physician for the longest period of time.

    03:19 And the students who've come and they've tried to get a little badge by working with a professor or with a physician for that matter, by getting this star.

    03:29 They don't get very good letters.

    03:31 Because the physician and the professor knows that.

    03:33 Well a death knell for application to medical school is a weak letter as your only letter for medical school.

    03:41 I recommend students be considering in their application process getting about 6 letters of reference.

    03:47 Two from people in the areas of science.

    03:51 Two from people in areas away from science and two from people in areas related to medicine.

    03:57 At least one of those should be a physician.

    04:00 Now that takes planning and that takes a lot of work.

    04:03 And that's not an absolute by the way.

    04:05 But that's important to think about.

    04:07 So the physicians letter is the central letter of all those and it's important for you be planning on.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Medical Experience by Kevin Ahern, PhD is from the course How to Get into Medical School.

    Author of lecture Medical Experience

     Kevin Ahern, PhD

    Kevin Ahern, PhD

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    Muy bueno
    By DiegoVerbs D. on 30. April 2023 for Medical Experience

    Me gusto porque estoy aprendiendo no solo de medicina sin o de lo que quiero hacer y el por qué lo estoy haciendo

    Wonderful knowledges
    By Neuer N. on 11. December 2018 for Medical Experience

    Very helpful. I'm taking preresquisite but 've never think about this. Thank you

    The tips were more than useful thanks a lot
    By Neuer N. on 10. November 2017 for Medical Experience

    I am preparing for my third year of undergrad. This video just taught me a lot

    By Neuer k. on 11. September 2017 for Medical Experience