Coeliac Trunk: Branches – Arterial Supply to the GI Tract by James Pickering, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Coeliac Trunk: Branches – Arterial Supply to the GI Tract by James Pickering, PhD is from the course Abdomen [Archive].

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Right gastric and left gastric
  2. Right gastric and gastroduodenal
  3. Left gastric and gastroduodenal
  4. Right gastro-omental and left gastro-omental
  5. Left gastro-omental and left gastric
  1. Left gastric
  2. Right gastric
  3. Splenic
  4. Gastroduodenal
  5. Common hepatic
  1. T12
  2. T8
  3. T10
  4. L3
  5. L2
  1. Proper hepatic artery
  2. Superior mesenteric artery
  3. Inferior mesenteric artery
  4. Celiac trunk
  5. Right gastro-epiploic (gastro-omental) artery

Author of lecture Coeliac Trunk: Branches – Arterial Supply to the GI Tract

 James Pickering, PhD

James Pickering, PhD

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diagram for easy understanding
By oktay cem K. on 15. January 2018 for Coeliac Trunk: Branches – Arterial Supply to the GI Tract

This diagram sums up everything and really helpful. I will do this kind of diagram for every arterial supplies. Thank you for giving me the idea. Really appreciated

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