
Apgar Score

by Veronica Gillispie, MD, MAS, FACOG

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    00:00 Now let's talk about APGAR.

    00:04 APGAR is a subjective scoring system designed to determine the need to resuscitation of a new born.

    00:11 APGARs are usually assigned by the pediatric nurse.

    00:16 So let's go through what APGAR stands for.

    00:19 Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity and Respirations.

    00:27 With the scoring system these are given either as 0, 1 or 2 in each category.

    00:35 Let's see what makes up the categories.

    00:37 Appearance refers to the color of the baby.

    00:40 If the baby is white that's a score of 0.

    00:43 If the baby is blue, that's the score of 1.

    00:46 And if the baby is pink, that's the score of 2.

    00:49 Now we're looking at the overall color of the baby.

    00:52 It is very common, that babies will have cyanosis or blueness of the hands and the feet.

    00:58 Pulse, if the pulse is less than 60 beats per minute that's a score of 0.

    01:04 60 to 100 beats per minute, that's a score of 1.

    01:08 And greater than a 100 beats per minute, that's a score of 2.

    01:11 The pulse is usually performed by oscillating with the stethoscope or feeling the pulsations in the umbilical cord.

    01:19 Grimace, this refers to have the baby response to stimulation.

    01:26 None will be a score of 0.

    01:28 Poor is 1.

    01:30 And good is 2.

    01:32 Next is Activity.

    01:36 This refers to how well the baby is moving.

    01:39 None is 0.

    01:41 Minimal activity would be 1.

    01:43 And vigorous activity that would be 2.

    01:46 Respirations refers to how well the baby is breathing.

    01:52 None would be 0.

    01:54 Gasping for air would be a 1.

    01:56 And vigorous respirations that would be a 2.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Apgar Score by Veronica Gillispie, MD, MAS, FACOG is from the course Postpartum Care.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. To evaluate the overall state of the newborn.
    2. To predict the risk of cerebral palsy.
    3. To determine the degree of anoxic brain injury of the newborn.
    4. To monitor for signs of neonatal sepsis.
    5. To indicate a marker for common childhood learning disabilities in the future.
    1. 8
    2. 10
    3. 6
    4. 7
    5. 12

    Author of lecture Apgar Score

     Veronica Gillispie, MD, MAS, FACOG

    Veronica Gillispie, MD, MAS, FACOG

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