Actions of the Second Messenger and Protein Kinase A by Kevin Ahern, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Actions of the Second Messenger and Protein Kinase A by Kevin Ahern, PhD is from the course Hormones and Signal Transduction. It contains the following chapters:

  • Actions of the Second Messenger
  • Protein Kinase A

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Glycogen synthase catalyzes glycogen formation.
  2. Phosphorylation activates all of the enzymes.
  3. Phosphorylation inactivates all of the enzymes.
  4. Glycogen synthesis and breakdown occur simultaneously.
  1. The binding of epinephrine stops glycogen synthesis.
  2. When glycogen synthase is phosphorylated, it is active.
  3. When glycogen synthase is phosphorylated, it is inactive.
  4. The production of cAMP activates protein kinase A.
  5. The binding of epinephrine stimulates glycogen synthesis.
  1. Prevent the concurrent activity of 2 closely parallel metabolic pathways.
  2. Facilitate the concurrent activity of 2 closely parallel metabolic pathways.
  3. Prevent the concurrent inhibition of 2 separate metabolic pathways.
  4. Increase the rate of product formation.
  5. Decrease the rate of a reaction.
  1. The phosphorylation of phosphorylase kinase enzyme by PKA leads to activation of glycogen breakdown.
  2. PKA is a structural protein essential for the maintenance of cell membrane morphology.
  3. The activated PKA enzyme inhibits glycogen synthesis by inactivating the glycogen synthase enzyme via the phosphorylation process.
  4. The activated PKA enzyme plays a crucial role in the reciprocal regulation of glycogen metabolism.
  5. Protein kinase A enzyme is composed of 4 subunits (2 regulatory and 2 catalytic).

Author of lecture Actions of the Second Messenger and Protein Kinase A

 Kevin Ahern, PhD

Kevin Ahern, PhD

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